Thanks, guys. I'm flattered by all of your compliments; It makes me feel good that some of the best dio creators on this site have seen this and liked it enough to say so.
Grizz, Vespa, really appreciate the observations and suggestions. The starkness of the foliage is something I hadn't considered, and I'm glad you voiced that. I will go back in and see what I can do to feather them in a bit more. It gives me an idea or two... And Vespa, thanks for your opinion regarding the road and the base. I really trust your eye for realism.
It would also make me feel good to hear from the guys who could suggest more improvements, even those who feel they couldn't do better. I want to learn how to make it look even more reaslistic. If you think it's mediocre, then tell me. Even if you have no suggestions. Hit me, I want the abuse