Thanks for the complements guys.
When I built this several years ago, I had only crude drawings to work from. My primary reference came from Schiffer's; German Defensive Batteries & Gun Emplacements on the Normandy Beaches. There is no scale on the drawings, so the only known measurement I had to work with was the gun barrel bore! I scaled the rest of the drawing off this single measurement, checking this against photos of soldiers standing next to the bunker.
The figures are all Tamiya, except for the guy with the camo net, which is a Trumpeter fig, all are reworked a bit. Looks like they could use a tune-up though, my figure painting skills have improved considerably since this was built....
The model is actually only a facade, it measure 19x15 inches. To built the entire bunker would be rather large about 2 feet square. At the time, I didn't have any photos or drawings of the rear of the bunker, so I settled for just the business end.
Here are a few more photos;
Here is the rudimentary interior with the turret removed;
And a shot of the turret;
Smokin' Johan
I plan on installing lights inside....someday...