Howdy... My current WIP is the scene from the movie The Blue Max where Von Klugermann's Dr1 (Revell's 1/28th Fokker Dr1) strikes the stone ruins with his landing gear, causing his early demise and a wearing of a dirt shirt. I have the SPAD XIII pilot figure and the Dr1 figure kitbashed by using the head from the German figure on the SPAD driver's body, but I'm not happy with it. There just isn't the right expression on its face, which is really no expression at all... Question is, can anone reccomend a suitable figure or am I doomed to the "Hollowflieger" I've constructed?
Also, I'm taking artisic license with the Dr1 and not using the lozenge camo as depicted in the movie. One, they didn't get covered in that fabric, and two, it just looks wrong on a Dr1...