Thanks for the appreciative comments, everyone. I'm glad you like this one. I recommend the kit, it's a good one to build. There are just three spots to look out for, the fit of the nose transparency, the fuselage top between the cockpit glass and the top turret, and the dihedral angle which will be too great if you do not adjust it by sanding the fuselage sides at that fit. Also, the color call outs are not correct for the upper colors. According to the Harleyford book Fortess IIA's in CC service were dark slate grey/extra dark sea grey over white.
Antoni, you noted the white should be gloss on the bottom, do you have any info on where the division line is between the gloss and the matt white? Anything that helps get it right is always welcome, it was rather difficult for me to determine what the proper colors are for Coastal Command airplanes, there was so much variation. It would be easy enough to gloss up the bottom if I knew the demarcation between the two sheens.