Phil, your're god send, first photo proof I've seen that Isreali Sufa's use pylon's 4 & 6 for more than just fuel tanks. I mean I fugured they did, I just hadnt seen proof. Only negative about that site is that its only Isreali weapons.
Stick - the kits an F-16I Sufa So I was gonna go Isreali besides I think their cammo rates number two F-16 wise (Alasken F-16 camo rates 1, is also my next F-16 desire). So time frame nationality wise v's weapon load I was thinking (without buying extra parts, the kinetic only supplies standard ie not Isreali weapons).
Here is my current thoughts (if its legit?). I'm kinda thinking about getting some python missiles instead of sidewinders.
1 Amraam
2 Sidewinder or Amraam (I Think is A2A only otherwise would go Mavericks)
3 Either 2 GBU-12 Paveways or 2 GBU-38 JDAM's (500lb)
4 Either 1 GBU-24 Paveway or 1 GBU-31 JDAM (2000lb)
5 Fuel
6 Either 1 GBU-24 Paveway or 1 GBU-31 JDAM (2000lb)
7 3 Either 2 GBU-12 Paveways or 2 GBU-38 JDAM's (500lb)
8 Sidewinder or Amraam
9 Amraam