Another method of making seat straps is using "non porous" surgical tape(found at the local hospital supply store).
You just cut the tape to size and width you need using a a new #11 blade and a lil superglue to attach.
If I get board I'll take the buckels from a photo etch set and apply them to the tape straps(a lil longer to apply and time)
Once everyrhing is done you can either leave it the color(off white) or repaint it(paint sticks well).
The over all appearence has a nice look to it. I have also tried
Blackwolfs method and his to is a great way to represent the straps and buckels.
Flaps up,MIke
If you would listen to everybody about the inaccuracies, most of the kits on your shelf would not have been built Too Close For Guns, Switching To Finger