Y'know, somedays you really should have stayed in bed.
You guys mention things that have gone wrong AFTER you have started/finished building the kit, well I went one better.
Imagine downtown scrubsville, rainging outside so modelling time right?
One PBY-5A Catalina, fresh from the box, 1/72 scale, and off too the sink to wash her up.
I have to use the laundry, missuss hates me washing models in the kitchen.
So there I am scrubing all the nasty chemicals and residue of this beautifully white styrene kit, when I reach for some more detergent, and find it to be replaced by a large bottle of degreaser.
This doesn't gel with me for a bit, like when the Catalina's left fueselage half turns too putty, then gel, then dissolves and runs down the drain.
There is a bright side though
Now my missuss lets me use the sink