I've seen 262s in 81/82/76, 82/83/76, even 81/83/76. RLM 74/75/76 were pretty much out of use on any of the new aircraft types coming into service in late '44 early '45, such as 262s, 163s, 152s, 190D-9s, and Ar-234s. Of course, there exceptions to the rule, a good example being Lennartz' Me-262 'White 11', Wk Nm 170061of Erprobungskommmando 262, which was painted in RLM 74/75/76!!!
With regards to Bar's 262 'Rot 13', the Werk Nummer is 110559, and as of March 19,1945, there was no mottling on the fuselage sides, but there was some RLM 76 mottling on the tail. It carried a yellow stripe forward of the fuselage cross.
The demarcation line between the upper colors and RLM 76 was a bit higher than usual on 262s, and although the line was wavy, it was a sharp demarcation line, not a soft one.
A good reference is Sundin and Bergstrom's Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft in Profile. They do some pretty exhaustive research. If you'd like a scan of the aircraft, let me know.