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1/48 B-24 Liberator - which model to start with?

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1/48 B-24 Liberator - which model to start with?
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Monday, August 10, 2015 4:09 PM

Hallo Everybody,

I am about to start new project

RAF B-24 Liberator MK V in 1/48 scale ( plus Big-Ed set ) My question is which model is a better platform to start with Revell or Monogram? Any input or opinion will be greatly appreciated.



  • Member since
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  • From: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Posted by Bish on Monday, August 10, 2015 4:16 PM

Are you sure these are different kits.

I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so


On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3

  • Member since
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Posted by GMorrison on Monday, August 10, 2015 4:17 PM

Whichever is cheaper. They are the same kit.

 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Monday, August 10, 2015 4:41 PM

Hallo Again,

I was under impression that Monogram is an old tolling and Revell is new and has a bit more detail in to it. But I may be wrong. 



  • Member since
    July 2015
Posted by CheesyMeatBurrito on Monday, August 10, 2015 4:44 PM


Hallo Again,

I was under impression that Monogram is an old tolling and Revell is new and has a bit more detail in to it. But I may be wrong. 




No. They are the same kit.

  • Member since
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  • From: Sonora Desert
Posted by stikpusher on Monday, August 10, 2015 5:03 PM


Hallo Again,

I was under impression that Monogram is an old tolling and Revell is new and has a bit more detail in to it. But I may be wrong. 




The only difference is that the Revell B-24D kit includes the parts and sprues that Monogram added in the early 90s for the "Pro Modeler" release of the same kit kit, such as extra crew figures and weighted tires, when compared with the original Monogram release. Their B-24J, also changed/added these figures/wheels- at least according to their instruction sheets on the Revell website. Those two kits are still the only two 1/48 B-24 kits in town after 40 years.


F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!

U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!

N is for NO SURVIVORS...

       - Plankton



  • Member since
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Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Monday, August 10, 2015 5:59 PM

Gentleman thanks for taking time to reply to my post and for info. It is a pity that Hong Kong Models and Tamiya released in 1/32 at the same time 2 identical kits of RAF Mosquito but not a B-24.

HK anouced Lancaster and heard rumors about B24 Lib but unconfirmed. Still waiting for that 1/32 B 24 Liberator

Cheers Everyone,


  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by GMorrison on Monday, August 10, 2015 6:12 PM

A question and a tip.

And, you are welcome, anytime.

Question: Is there a particular interest you have in that particular aircraft? Dad, uncle, relative? We always like a good story around here.

Statement; announcements of future releases of models are usually not worth the time it takes to read them.


Keep us posted.

 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
    March 2003
Posted by rangerj on Monday, August 10, 2015 7:21 PM

1st cav, the horse that no man rides and the line that no man crosses. Saw them in NAM. I love the hats!   B-24 D and B-24 J in 1/48th scale both made by Monogram originally. Revell repackages a lot of Monogram's old stuff since the combining of the two companies (merger?).  

  • Member since
    October 2013
Posted by ajd3530 on Monday, August 10, 2015 10:23 PM

The newest release of the B-24D (Revell) has all the goodies the ProModeler kit had. A few more detail parts, crew members, and someone correct me if I am wrong, but also a neat little tow tractor. It can be had at Hobby Lobby (with there 40% coupon) for under $30, tax included. That will probably be your best bet.

But to answer your question outright, they are all the same thing. Although a good general rule of thumb with Monogram/Revell kits, the older the boxing, the more crisp the details. The dies start to get worn over time. Although the B-24 hasn't been issued very many times, so that may not be a problem. But say the P-61, if you compare an original '73 release with a brand new one, you can tell a difference

  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 8:09 PM

1/48 Scale Polish B-24 D  Liberators RAF MK III  for S.O.E. Operations in occupied Europe.

Since you want to hear whole story and know why I decided on this particular plane ,here we go ( if its to long and to boring let me know Please )

The whole purpose of the  ( to  Americans known  as Carpetbagger missions  )   (or  to pragmatic British as Air Drop Supply missions ) -   was to fly and deliver trained in gorilla warfare agents and supplies to resistance groups in enemy occupied Europe. Especially France,Yugoslavia and Poland (Polish underground army was formed in 1939  from officers and soldiers who were not captured by Germans or Russians ( so called  Home Army-  directed by Polish Government in London ) 
Flight C (  maned by Poles from members of disbanded due to heavy losses 301 ( Polish ) SQN of Bomber Command. )  was formed as a part of 138 SQN RAF SOE in addition to regular Flight A and B   in Newmarket and then transferred to  Tempsford in Bedfordshire in early 1943 ( 
New unit was equipped with  3 Halifaxes and 3 Liberators  and start flying Liberators to occupied Poland in October 1943. 
Route from England to Poland over North Sea , over Denmark and Baltic Sea was extremely dangerous and heavily  "polluted"  with German AA Flak batteries and night fighters.
From late 1943 already as 1586 Special Duty Squadron  SOE (Former  Flight C  of 138 RAF SQN ) unit has been transferred to Tunisia
 ( to USAAF base Sidi Amor ) and two months latter to  Campo Casale in Italy ( sea plane base in Brindisi) and  flew all missions from there. ( shorter route to Poland ) 

The B-24 Liberators used for those  flights were heavily modified  D models ( later in 1944 from 15 USAAF  B-24 J models ) Modifications included  removal of the belly turret, nose gun turret and equipment unnecessary for the mission, such as oxygen system and equipment,heating installation, radio gear was removed, ( IFF ect. )  in order to lighten plane and provide more cargo space. The rear  Bolton turret with four 303 guns and top turret with twin Browning .50 guns were kept as protection from German night fighters but flash suppressors had been put on the remaining weapons and flame dampeners were put on all four Pratt & Whitney R1830 turbo-superchargers. ( in order to improve forward visibility some B24 J models operated by Poles had whole front turret chopped off and replaced with "green house" glazed nose from B-24 D ) 

Agents ( were drafted from all services of Polish Air Force and Army and they had been  trained in 1st Polish Para Brigade facilities in Scotland  ) 

Canisters with supplies were dropped by parachute through the opening left by removal of the belly turret,  blackout curtains had been installed over all pilot and navigator windows and rear side gunners openings.

 In addition, supplies were loaded into containers designed to fit inside the bomb-bay and released from there by the existing equipment. In order to accommodate standard British supply canisters ( used by British paratroopers ) USAAF standard bomb "mounting points" have been replaced in bomb bay by British one. The main fuel system consisted of 18 fuel cells ( tanks ) in both wings.And to increase range of the B-24 two Rubberized extra long range tanks were installed in forward bomb bay.

Average distance to drop zone in Poland was between 850-950 miles one way and plane had to circle sometimes for 15-25 min and if no signals on the ground were present then they will have to fly to another drop location. So those extra tanks in bomb bay were crucial to planes safe return to base but were extremely vulnerable to small caliber ground  fire and AA Flak.

 Targets were given by exact longitudes and latitudes and special recognition  light signal patterns were developed ( unique to each mission and each drop zone on given day )   thus making precise navigation imperative. Crew after exchange of  light signals with ground crew start descent to drop zone.

Typical RAF  B-24 crew consist of :

1st pilot

2 nd pilot

Navigator/ Radio operator


Flight Mechanic 

Top Gunner

Rear Gunner


All flights were made on full moon nights ( crews flew tree to four nights in the row then they waited for next full moon ) It was especially important so that visual navigation could be made by using existing railroad tracks, towns ,roads ,rivers, lakes as check points. The pilot, and dispatch/navigator all had maps to aid them in keeping track of their current location, whilst the navigator kept position by dead reckoning, with all staying in close inter-phone contact.

Each flight was unique and individual, and each navigator had his own favorite  route  to the target and in  many cases different return route. Quite often they had to plot a route to avoid near by Luftwaffe bases and AA Flak locations.( Luftwaffe had allocated a special train with FuSE 65 E FuMG65E Würzburg-Riese radar station in Denmark and southern Poland to deal with those flights )  On flights to targets in Poland the aircraft crossed the Adriatic coast in Croatia at around six thousand feet to avoid anti aircraft fire from German AA ships on the  Adriatic Sea and Yugoslav Dalmatian coast , then plane dropped to five hundred feet or so to avoid night fighters in Hungary. Once inland they race across Hungary over Danube river  and when they reached Tatra mountains they had to climb again to 6000 feet to cross over mountains on Polish/ Slovakian border and then drop again down to 500 feet or less and follow the map to drop zone  and to make it possible to verify location at all times, assuring that above mentioned raiload tracks,rivers,lakes ect. checkpoints on the ground corresponded exactly to the area being looked at in the pilots cockpit and glazed nose of the aircraft.( Very stressful task and during Warsaw Up Rising in August 1944 they flew all way north along Vistula river. And on approach to Sulejow ( suburbs of Warsaw) about 20 miles south from capitol  burning city was so visible that provided additional aid in navigation.When plane reached  bridges over Vistula in Warsaw they made 90 degrees turn  and delivered supplies from roof top hight to waiting partisans. 

Other vise on regular supply flights to Poland ( Polish  Underground Army AK- Armia Krajowa) when only a few miles from the target area all available crew members began searching for the drop zone and recognition lights.  ( different patterns on different drop zones) Coming towards the target, the aircraft slowed down to 120-130 mph and dropped from an altitude of four hundred feet or less ) Agents were always dropped first, with supplies ( canisters ) on a second run , and packages and packets on third and if needed fourth drop. Often, pilot had to fly plane several miles farther into enemy territory after completing their drops to disguise the actual drop location should any German units been present in vicinity and recognize the aircraft's turning point as the drop location.

First flight of B-24 to Poland and first casualty was airframe B-24D-10-CF-27-42-63881
GR - F  ( BZ 858 ) RAF MK.III 
Operation " Cottage 7 "
On night of  9 / 10 October 1943 - 
Crew was dispatched from Tempsford UK to fly over North Sea , Denmark , Baltic Sea to Poland with supply mission to drop zone Baran 511( about 25 km South West of town of Lublin in eastern Poland )
Crew made successful drop at allocated drop zone and on the way back to England plane sustained heavy damage from German AA Flak ship in Baltic Sea off  coast of Sweden  -with leaking fuel  and gear partially down (due to leaks in hydraulic system ) pilot made decision to abandon ship -  entire crew bailed out over neutral Sweden.
Warrant /Officer Bolesław Hułas -1 pilot
Fl/Lieutenant Czeslaw Nowacki -2 pilot
Fl/Lieutenant Mieczyslaw Malinowski -navigator
Fl/Sgt. Bolesław Wozniak -dispatch
Fl/Sgt. Stefan Miniakowski  -gunner
Warrant /Officer Józef Dubiel   -gunner
Sgt. Witold Ruciński -flight mechanic

and all been interned  In neutral Sweden ( to be continued )


  • Member since
    August 2013
Posted by Jay Jay on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 8:14 AM

I find your history of the Polish B-24 to be fascinating and certainly not boring.

TY for taking the time to post all this. I would've taken me an hour + to simply type all that in ,let alone all the time in researching. Really appreciate the info.






 I'm finally retired. Now time I got, money I don't.

  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 9:53 AM

Hallo Again,

First 3  allocated to Poles Liberators B-24 D  in British nomenclature known as Mark III with following numbers  42-6388142-63882 and  42-63883 were manufactured by Consolidated Factory in Fort Worth in Texas in middle of 1943.

Mentioned 3  B-24 D bombers together with remaining 57 other D variant B-24D-10-CF with serial numbers starting from  42-63837  to  42-63896   Were transferred by US Government as a part of Lend - Lease program to RAF and arrived in Scottish Aviation Ltd. in Prestwick, in first half of July  1943. All planes went through conversion process required by RAF. Interesting fact is that third B-24 Liberator assigned to Poles was actually a Mark V model. 

My interests revolves around those first three planes and I am collecting all info,blue prints data and hoop up parts to model above mentioned crafts. Hardest so far par is to find pictures. Almost not existing ( few here and there not sharp enough)

I am looking for pictures of "flame suppressors " used by RAF on B-24 and info on "drop chute" which was built in place of removed lower ball turret.


  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by GMorrison on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 9:59 AM

 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
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Posted by GMorrison on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 10:00 AM

I'll let you do the looking, but there must be a 1/48 Bolton turret out there, maybe for the big Lanc models.


 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by GMorrison on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 10:09 AM

Definitely NOT a boring story. Always good to know more about our allies. Here's a picture of a Polish bomber, I can't see what the exhaust is doing.

 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by GMorrison on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 10:16 AM

I knew a guy named Jerzy "George" Solak. He flew Hurricanes in the Polish 151 Squadron and shot down an FW-190 over England. Those guys are all gone now.

In fact my neighbor across the street died Monday at the age of 97. Flew TBM's in the Pacific. But that's a different story. Watching this one with interest. Kind of like those formation aircraft, a little different.

 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 12:19 PM


So here we got those 3 Libs:

BZ858  NF- F  Mk. III
BZ859  GR- J  Mk. III
BZ860  GR- U  Mk. V
On 22 December 1943 unit is transferred from Africa ( Sidi Amor Base ) to Italy Brindisi
( Campo Casale ) old Italian flying boats  base
with one runway running west to east so all landings and takeoffs were directed in to open Adriatic Sea.
The second Liberator
GR- J ( BZ 859 ) RAF MK. III took off at 6:15 PM on January 5 with 12 canisters and 12 packets to drop zone Pardwa 110 ( 15 km south-west from rail road station Przeworsk in Southern  Poland) After successful drop plane was hit by German AA Flak and one engine was knocked out. On return leg flying on remaining 3 engines Liberator run in to faulty weather ( January and  ice was forming on the wings) and when they arrived back to Brindisi due to bad visibility plane had to circle for almost an hour.
Since Radio operator couldn't establish contact with tower Pilot decided to shoot warning flare and go in ( they were running out of fuel ) 'Cause bad visibility they had to abort landing and go around.When second pilot made turn in to one running engine Liberator stalled and crashed in Port Bassin  in Brindisi killing all except  Flight/Lieutenant Dobrowolski - Second Pilot lone badly injured survivor. 
F / Lt Witold Bohuszewicz - 1Pilot -KIA 
F / Lt Kazimierz Dobrowolski - 2 Pilot injured survived 
F / Lt Antoni PuÅ‚czyÅ„ski - 2 Navigator -KIA 
F /Lt Mieczyslaw Kuźmicki  1 Navigator - KIA 
F / Sgt ZdzisÅ‚aw Taczalski - Radio operator -KIA 
F / Sgt Romuald BÅ‚ażeÅ„ski - Gunner KIA 
F / Sgt Jerzy Drongo - Gunner -KIA 
F / O Kazimierz Finder - Flight Mechanic -KIA 
By Spring 1944 the only surviving Liberator was  B-24D-10-CF-27-42-63883  GR- U  ( BZ 860 ) RAF MK. V 
( only MK V assigned to Poles )
Warrant /Officer  StanisÅ‚aw  KÅ‚osowski - 1 st Pilot
Flight/Lieutenant  Jacek " Jack"  Blocki - 2nd Pilot
Major   Stanislaw Król  - Navigator ( Boss - Comanding Officer of 1586 Special Duty Flight ) 
Due to heavy loses sustained in August/September of 1944
( during support of Warsaw Up Rising) unit run out of the planes and crews. Loses were over 70%.
Those planes flew on tree top  / roof top levels and were exposed to all sort of fire even from small arms - like hand held weapons ) so they needed badly new planes.
In October/November of 1944 Poles bypassed RAF official channels and being on good terms with  Americans took a direct delivery of 15 Liberators from 15 USAAF Army in Pantanella / Foggia 41°08'14"N015°55'12"E
Air Base of  465th Bomb Group USAAF ( 200 km north of Brindisi) 
 All necessary spare parts were delivered  directly from Americans ( without needed British protocol and long waiting time - especially Pratt & Whitney engine parts ) 
Some of mentioned B-24 H and J variants:
GR-X  TW 760 all returned to USAAF in  February / March 1945
GR-G  TW 763 returned
GR-F  TW 766 returned
GR-B  TW 767 returned
GR-X  TW769 returned 
All above Liberators transferred from 15 USAAF had  US Emerson rear  and frontal  turrets.
  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 1:05 PM
Hallo GMorrison,
In regard to the picture you provided, this is USAAF 42-64062  B -24.( take look at front - turret was replaced by 
Maintenance Unit with Glazed Nose - dark green band around fuse applied over regular Olive Drab - straight bottom section) 
 Plane arrived to Polish 1586 Special Duty Sqn in March 1944 when stationed in Sidi Amor Base ( from 22 December 1943 / Please take look at those metal plates - typical to USAAF bases ) First flight to Poland take place on the night 17/18 March 1944 Flight/Lieutenant Zbigniew Szostak ( most experienced pilot in Polish unit - former Polish Airline pilot before the war ) 
He take off at 6:15 PM with load of 2330 pounds of supplies to drop zone Zamek 311
( 18 Km south- east from town of Lviv( Lemberg   by village of GÅ‚uchowice ) Despite bad wether crew reached drop zone in time,
flashed letter B like Boy and after receiving letter Z like Zebra ground crew displayed Cross (made by flashlights ) indicating safe drop approach. Plane dropped 12 canisters and 12 packets  and turned around to base in Sidi Amor. Flight lasted 10,5 Hours. In June this particular plane was damaged on landing and was send to Maintenance Maison Blanche 144 Maintenance Unit in Algeria ( North Africa ) Completed 18 flights to Poland. Returned to Poles in November 1944 but this is another long story.
  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:48 PM

Hallo Gents,


Out of three now we have last surviving B-24 D - MK V  GR-U BZ860 so called by Poles "Royal Carriage" - and this is a plane  I will try to Polish B-24 Lib GR-U BZ860 model using Monogram 1/48 kit as a base.

  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:00 PM

And Baulton Rear Guner Turret  and those RAF Flames Supressors ( flame dampeners ) in second photo and canisters RAF B-24 Flame Dampers( SorCanisters with parachute ry for lousy quality) Can anybody provide better quality picturesBoulton B-24 Rear turret

  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Thursday, August 13, 2015 11:14 PM

Those Liberators were loaded up with 2300 pounds of supplies so space was very  limited. And a pain on the rear end was a constant monitoring process  of fuel consumption and flight mehanic was busy switching from one tank to another ( were highly flamable gasoline vapors fulfill entire aircraft ) and Loading canisters in to B24 LibFuel celss removed from B24 D

  • Member since
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  • From: Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Posted by moose421 on Sunday, August 16, 2015 9:57 AM

Wow, very interesting story.  I never knew about any of this. It has my interest and maybe a future build.


Thank you for all the time and effort in posting this.



  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Lyons Colorado, USA
Posted by Ray Marotta on Sunday, August 16, 2015 10:21 AM


If you want that 1/32nd B-24 there is an option.  If you don't mind

building with balsa and vacuformed plastic, Guillows Models is your

go to place.  The level of detail is up to you.  For example, instead of

tissue, it could be covered with balsa, card stock, or even aluminum from

beer or soft drink cans which can be annealed with a candle for easy bending

and be cut with ordinary scissors to replicate the actual panel lines...






  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Monday, August 17, 2015 8:55 AM
Hallo Gents,
If you found my story interesting and you willing to follow I will be more than happy 'cause it means that my research and "digging"  in waste internet   was not in vain and those man flying those highly dangerous missions to , ,Austria,Albania, France,Norway,Greece,Yugoslavia,  and Poland wont be forgotten.
You must  bear in mind that casualty in 1586 Special Duty Flight  ( latter known as SOE RAF 301 SQN  )
were over 70 %. In August/ September 1944 aline out of 18 Polish maned crews flying to Polish Capitol   during Warsaw Up Rising only 2 survived. Those airman flying low level  missions ( quiet often on the hight of roof tops ) when hit by enemy fire had no chance to survive
 ( even when they  did bail out at such hight chute won't open )
Also after a collapse of Polish Government on exile in London in spring of 1945 and "new" Komi Government in Poland they were not allowed to return to home country they been fighting for. 
(some did and got imprisoned or executed )After the war they been scattered all over the world in UK, USA, South Africa, Australia, and I want to pay tribute to those brave Polish airman.( few of them completed over 100 missions - average in RAF  or  USAAF was 30 missions - and were decorated with highest British and Polish decorations) 
Due to change in Government and political system in Poland many documents disappeared between 1945-1991  , pictures are scarce so research is very difficult and limited. Many families of those airman where terrified to come forward with log books , pictures 'cause repression from former komi government in Poland. Now slowly thanks to internet more and more is "popping up"
 So Please if you came a cross any of such pictures let me know. Gentleman I thank You in advance for your  time and effort.
Happy Modeling
  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Monday, August 17, 2015 10:09 AM
Wow, what intense research! Like Kim, I didn’t know any of this. I will be watching you build with interest. Thanks for shearing. Knowledge of these events helps keep the memories and sacrifices alive.




Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Monday, August 17, 2015 10:28 AM


  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Monday, August 17, 2015 10:29 AM
Hallo GMorrison,
pictured GR-S  BZ 965 ( ex USAAF 42-64062  B -24 J ) in June 1944 was damaged on landing at Campo Casale and was " scratched off " the squadron list - ( plane was send to Maintenance Maison Blanche 144 Maintenance Unit in Algeria ( North Africa for repairs ) this particular airframe  completed 18 flights to Poland. After  necessary repairs plane was returned to Poles in November 1944 and completed additional 6 flights to Poland  (total 24 flights ) but as  GR- V ( code letters were changed 'cause at the same time there was another B-24 with  GR-S  code ( KH 151 ) on the squadrons rooster.
In spring of 1945 due to collapse of Polish Government in London and disbandment of Home Army in Poland  all flights to now occupied by Russian country were suspended and plane was returned to 178 SQN RAF and repainted with new FS code letters - airframe scrapped in 1946.   


  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Monday, August 17, 2015 10:35 AM

Thanks for your encouragement. Revell 1/48 is on order and waiting for Eduards Big Ed 1/48 hoop up set ( slow from overseas ) 

I plan  on Gunze Mr.Colour paints 

H 52 Olive Drab 613 - Humb 155
H 53 Neutral Gray - Humb 128
H 58 Interior Green - Humb 151
H 73 Dark Green RAF Humb 30
H 12 Matt Black - Humb 33
H 77 Tire Black
who still carry those in US ? ? ? 
If not available then I will go ald fashioned way with Humbrol 
  • Member since
    March 2015
Posted by Charlie_Echo_Oscar on Monday, August 17, 2015 11:05 AM
Hallo Gents, 
In 2013 was B-24 J Collings Foundationa lucky year to me, I was able to take  ride in real B- 24 ( was able to see , feel and smell whole Liberator from inside out - except fresh paint ) Real B-24 J version in flyable condition Collings Foundation the world's only flying B-24J. What a treat it was. 

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