I do recommend this model because it's a really fun build with all its ordnance, tanks, flaps, folding wing(s), doors and tug with teeny guys. As with most Tamiyas, fit and detail were excellent.
It's hard to decide what the final build will be, whether wings up, down or one of each. It was equally difficult to photograph because just one or two shots don't show all the details.
I'm the first to criticize my work and there was some trauma. Since I live 60 miles from HL and it was Sunday, I mixed my own Navy Blue from what I had. Looked good in the bottle is my excuse. After painting it was a bit bright so I gave it a coat of flat which only seemed to make it glow. After looking at it a few days I sprayed it clear which helped a little. Still a little bright for WWII, Live and learn! Check it out I always say, and I did wash and polish all the nasty grease and oil off before photography, this is a Museum you know! LOL!