Hi to all, so long!
I'm back with this easy kit, few parts, not many colors, no cockpit, no landing gear... The building went very easy due the great fit. I only replaced the odometer propeller in the nose which I broke with metalic foil, added a longitudinal reinforcment and a pitot tube whith a hipodermic needle. The trolley was modified with some structural beams, handles and a pushing bar al both sides.
I sprayed the body in Gunze's RLM 71 (Mr color 17) and Tamiya's RLM 65 (XF-23), decals were a breeze to apply with micro set and sol, finally I applied a coat of Ammo MiG's matt varnish for sealing the assembly.
I made the gorund with a cheap frame, some plaster painted with artistic acrylics and railroad modeling grass.
This is the final result, I hope you like.