Follow up question: there is a lot of 1/48 aftermarket available for P-61, but all the eduard parts are labeled as for the GWH kit. Will they fit on the Monogram kit? Does anyone have direct experience using Eduard PE for the Monogram kit.
I just purchased (Mrs. Toshi does the purchasing for me) a 1974 sealed Monogram 1/48 P-61 Blackwidow for $15.00 free shipping from eBay. Mrs. Toshi also got the Eduard interior/exterior PE set for this kit (Monogram) from Mega Hobby. The Eduard PE for GWH is for GWH ONLY.
I've built both with PE, the kit and PE is not interchangeable, they are apples to oranges. Just as a note, it's also wise to get the Vector engine/cowling for the Monogram kit as it's the correct set. For the first time, I also purchased the AM top turret gun mount for the Monogram kit just to see how it looks compared to the original gun turret.
This is from my direct building experience with both kits. Ultimately, it's your build and you may do what makes you happy in this hobby. That's the key moot point.
You may also take the route of scratch building like the many forum members do here. One great example is M. Brindos, check out his and the many other forum members builds. That's what we're here for. I wish you the best of luck in your endevour of your P-61 Blackwidow journey of which ever you choose to do so.