Your paint work is amazing. I think the bright green around the canopy frames looks odd, but the overall results are still very stunning! Your figures in this scale are amazing as well.
The pose of the aircraft itself is just awesome! It imparts a sense of motion that is kinda crazy TBH lol. The aircraft appears to be careening out of control, with the plane in the air on one wheel, and the pilot waving his hands in the air and not on the controls.
I' m sure you are not intending to impart a sense of comedy in this build and I seriously mean no disrespect or offense in any way. And having said that I also want you to know that I see some serious talent in this build. I wouldn't change a single thing about it. Not one thing!
Your build not only represents a serious amount of talent in many areas, but it is fantastically unique and is a joy to look at.
I mean, those figures! Dayum man! That's a serious talent by itself.
Whatever you have on the bench next, I'll be waiting to see it. You've got vision.
So in conclusion, please don't think I'm being in any way negative about this. I am not. I'd love to see more of your work. :)