Hey all, been a long while since I've logged on. Anyway I'm back and esstactic to do two things: First- I FINALLY took the plunge into the world of airbrushing. Second- Just as I learned that Revell had discontinued a whole messload of models, I happened to come across what apparently was the LAST B-17 available in my area.
Anywhoo, here's my problem. (And I apologize if this has been asked/answered, no amount of phrasing I tried, got to the exact question I had in mind).
I plan on doing a base black coat with various shading, rather than shading individual panel lines. So with that in mind, how would I go about layering, given the fact that I'll also be going for the chipping effect and not have the areas I wanna chip, look vastly different (shade wise) from other areas of the plane?
My thinking is- the aluminum that shows through with chipping is the plane's true color, so no matter what the paint scheme is, or how far into hell and back the aircraft has been, it's foundation is aluminum. So should I paint the entire plane in aluminum, put the chipping effect over areas I wanna chip (or all over to eliminate guess work) and then proceed to shading (starting with a black coat)? That way no matter how man layers of shade I add, when I chip; what shows through at the bottom is bare aluminum (which can be weathered, dirt/grit wise later).
I seriously think I solved my dillemma, trying to find a coherent way to explain this lol, but I still would love to hear what you guys think! Thanks and cheers!