Doing this one for the Bomber GB so figured to post here for those not involved in the GB.
Reviews on this old kit are mixed but as i started on it looks very good for its age (1988). The raised details are light and the molded details look good.
I will be using Print & Scale decals 72-096 that has plenty of options and I think I will go with "Hanoi Special". This Thud scored two Mig-17 kills.
The decal sheet has several options.
Got the 750 pounders glued up and cleaned up. I also scored along the MER and pylon line to have some separation. I also glued up two Mk.20s from the Hasegawa set to ride on the outer stations. Got the seat and pit cleaned up and ready for painting.
The tanks went together and got cleaned up also.
So this Thud will have a MER on the C/L with six 750 pounders, fuel tanks on the middle station and Mk.20s on the outer stations for a typical Nam load.
Got the pit painted. The molded details are VERY tiny and on the faint side but the dry brushing still brought out the instruments.
The fuselage and wings went together really well with an excellent fit. No putty was used at all.
The seat was painted and will get some washes later to help separate the belts from the seat cushions. Looks big in the picture but man that is on tiny seat!
The tires were glued up then had flat spots sanded to mimic the weighted effect.
I grabbed a wood base and glued up some cardboard with Elmers and painted it with craft acrylics. It still needs more touchups and additional details ere and there. The small Thud has been a pleasure to build and is ready for some paint.
I have all the small parts in my plastic baby food container and all will get painted too.