Thank you for replying to my post. I checked out your Facebook page. You have an incredible model collection. I especially liked the models posed with the box art, very cool! Your collection of ship models is very impressive, Wow is all I can say.
I originally built the Lindberg Heinkel 45 years ago as a teenager. I remember having some trouble with the fit of the landing gear, challenging all of my then rudimentary modeling skills. I guess I must have been on a nostalgia trip as I bought the current kit problably 20-25 years ago.
The problems so far encountered are gaps fitting the engine cowling to the low half of the wing (photos to follow).
I like the simplicity of these models, again it takes me back to my childhood/teen age years. So I will build on, just simply hav'n me some fun!
BTW I will be posting photos into the World at War 1939-40 GB if you're interested.