So, after 294 hours total, here she is at last (this just means that I am a very slow modeler)
Aftermarket used:
- Barracuda resin wheels
- HGW seatbelts
- EagleCals decals
- cockpit stencils
Paints used - Tamiya and Gunze Mr. Color
Weathering with Tamiya and Ammo washes, AK pencils and Revell pigments
Noted mistakes made - seatbelts should go over the bracing bar, the camo demarcation line between the medium blue in insignia white should be more wavy (as per the only reference photo which I found instead of artwork), the prop doesn't appear to have yellow ends in the photo, but Tamiya says that it does. But I am not a rivet counter so it is what it is... :)
Also, I have deliberately exaggerated chipping and fuel leak marks to have some fun with it. :)
The dark blue was very hard to photograph, with my skills at least. It was also relatively hard to work with. Almost like working with black. Didn't expect that at all.
I will try to make some better photos and repost if I find time and will.
Anyway, on to the photos...
Reference photo and artwork: