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  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 10:56 PM

Daddy1 the wing tips came out better than I had pictured them because of your help thank you sir. It was very easy to make them your way Toast

For my paint stand I drilled a hole in some 1/4 dowel rod I had layin around and tacked it on with thin super glue. I dont spray Krylon in the mancave so I used that for a handle outside to paint then hung it in the cave to dry. Hopefully all I will have to do is tap it on the bench and it will pop off the Mustang when I am done painting her.

You are going to use 5 blade props on Tantrum ???? Oh man she is gonna look meaner n auh junkyard dog. I like the way you came up with for making the prop blades and will be adding that to my how-to files. Should work for Rare Bear's prop as well when I build that one.

First off I am envious of your Lil Miss Magic build with your daughter, and do think the figure in a pink jumpsuit would be a great addition. Cant wait to see your progress on that build and the pictures.

I know the feeling of taking ones lil girl to the air shows, they surly let you know they like what they are seeing. My daughter was much older though when I took her to the air races in Reno back in 97 she was 18. She had never been around planes before and was blown away by them, she even got a special tour of a B-17 there.

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: Zephyrhills,FL
Posted by daddy1 on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 10:17 PM

Lil' Miss Magic underway! Here are the first pics.

 Emma and I at work cleaning up cockpit parts. I"ve explained to her that we're going to build this on an experienced level and much of the work will be done with Emma holding the tool/brush and my hand over hers guiding.

 I want her to know how the plastic feels under the various tools . It will be a wonderful building lesson as it often takes only a light touch and easy going.

 Notice the visor. Darned old eyes.

  We're using a bit of artisic license with the interior colors since this is a civilian racer and not a military replica. Even thought of using a pilot figure in a pink flight suit since Emma will be the "pilot" of this bird. She likes the idea.

 The fuselage sides are about 4 parts Model Master aluminum to 1 part MM chrome silver for more shine. I do vary the mix for different parts to get subtle variations.

This will be an easy build after working so much on Witchcraft (I will get back to her soon), Building OOB except for seatbelts and adding ignition wires.

 My girl is thrilled this is going to be her plane. Hope to get some better pics of our working together.

 BTW This is somewhat off topic but I took Emma to The EAA Sun-N-Fun fly in  on the 17th . Pointed down the warbird ramp and asked her what she saw." THUNDERBIRDS!!!"  she exclamed.

 Then I heard the unmistakeable sound of a Merlin. What's that taxing in Emma? " A MUSTANG!!!" she answered.She was very impressed when it rolled by not more than 20 feet away from us. I love it . My girl loves warbirds. It was a long,wonderful,exhaustingly beautiful day. We had a great time.


  • Member since
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  • From: Zephyrhills,FL
Posted by daddy1 on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 9:30 PM

Like your paint stand ,Randy. BTW Those tips look nice, glad I was of help.

 Wasn't happy with the way the overlay on the kit prop blades was looking and just can't resist the five blade scimitar idea. Here's the latest WIP pics.

 First cut out ten blanks from sheet plastic then marked them for direction and right or left. Something I'll need to keep close watch on with this process. Don't want to end up with 3 right and 6 left blades. Also to make sure they end up mounted on the correct sides.

Blanks are same length of kit blades and 5mm wide.

 Glued stretched sprue mounting pins to center of each blank . Length is half of blank plus 5mm . May need to trim end of pin when it comes time to mount to spinners.

Made a couple twist jigs from steel strap . Marked blank length, clamped one end at mark in a vice, then with vice grip clamed at other end gave approx 60 degrees twist using a drafting angle as a guide. Repeted for the other side, just with an opposite twist.

 Cut ten more blanks smae size as before and laminated top and bottom blanks together clamping them to the jigs as the glue dried for a few hours.

 Last pic shows rough prop blades with the twist set in . I'll rough sand an airfoil shape to each blade. Then, using the Tachi drawings of Tsunami's scimitar blades as a pattern , I'll cut them to shape. Finally , I'll finish the airfoil shape, smooth and mount to spinners.

Progress on the oil cooler / radiator package. I want to see something realistic when I look in either end of the cooling system. I also plan on adding spray bars.

 Starting to get on a roll with this build again. Got the props figured out, and the radiator with associated scoops pretty much figured out. Just got to cut, glue, fill, and paint stuff.

 Getting started on Lil' Miss Magic but, I'll make seperate posts for that to better help me keep track of each.

 Howard/ Daddy1 Racing


  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Saturday, April 24, 2010 11:45 PM

Daddy1 I am 54 what is right and left anyhow. Wait I cant see it anyway ... never mind.

Cant wait to see your racing radiators, your build is just over the top.

Just to let you guys know I am in fact still working on my build and figured it is time for a little WIP picture. I like to use Krylon for plastics as a first coat either gray or white depending on the rest of the colors going on. I have less trouble with the Tamiya paints coming off with masking tape. So here is the base coat of Krylon white.

I will give it a few days to fully cure, then do a quick polish with 1200 wet&dry sand paper, then add more color. The prop will be then next crazy to do paint job. Oh and sorry about the fizzy picture for some reason my camera didnt want to focus on the white. It did however focus on my little air racer shelf, go figure huh.

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: Zephyrhills,FL
Posted by daddy1 on Thursday, April 15, 2010 7:59 PM




 You ain't just whistlin' dixie brother!!!-Daffy Duck I would be more worried about the left engine letting go!!! The assymetrical thrust from the right would push you in, the left would kick you out of the turn. Either way it would be a hairy ride if........

Thanks for correcting me . Just had my 52nd b-day , guess it gets harder to tell right from left as you get older LOL.

 Currently building the radiators complete with spray bars. Nothing super fancy , just something that looks like it should be there when viewed through the inlets. That should also keep the view from the radiator exhausts looking like something up in there. Won't be able to see much from that end anyway  so painting the inside of the fuselages flat black should do the trick.


  • Member since
    March 2006
Posted by simpilot34 on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 6:11 AM


Sumpthin is tellin me that Tantrum will be living up to her name YesYes

Ditto You ain't just whistlin' dixie brother!!!-Daffy Duck I would be more worried about the left engine letting go!!! The assymetrical thrust from the right would push you in, the left would kick you out of the turn. Either way it would be a hairy ride if........ wellllll let's just not go there!Whistling I am chompin' at the bit to see 'Tantrum' in all her glory!!!! Mate that is just a sexy bird what can I say!!???

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:34 AM

Daddy1 Man I am glad you are back Big Smile and again leaving me at a loss for words when I check out your WIP pictures. Those spinners are awesome, in fact I gotta ask if the traffic cops have been by your place yet. I know just seeing it on the bench they would be givin it a speeding citation !!! Sumpthin is tellin me that Tantrum will be living up to her name YesYes

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
    November 2008
  • From: Zephyrhills,FL
Posted by daddy1 on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 9:52 PM


Oh Howard I am Loving That!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!! I can not wait to see the color on her!!!!! Not a nit pick just an expectation of sorts, I would have loved to have seen an LCD screen for the engine intruments in the office!! You'll need to sets of them and seeing how the IP is already cramped, analog gauges are out of the question. Man that is one sweet ride!!!!!!!! Would love to see if someone could model it in 3d for flightsim!!!!!!! I would fly it in a heartbeat!!!!!!!!ToastToastToast

If your loving that, check out these spinners. They make the thing look as if it's already going 500mph. I've decided to go with four blade props to help keep it a little simpler, but I have overlaid the kit blades with thin sheet to make them a little wider and plan on a scimitar shape similar to one used on Tsunami . Want to keep it looking exotic.

 Still going through lots of ideas in the paint dept. I do know the base color will be some kind of deep, rich blue either metallic or pearl. What ever scheme I come up with, will help the going fast when sitting still look . Again, exotic.

 I did think of LCD panels for the engine instruments  and found some wonderful examples online, but when reduced and printed up were little more then black squares. Although, LCD panels when not powered up ( as would be the case in an aircraft on the ground) would be black or a black-green, or something along those lines. I may still add a couple small LCD panels just above the IP . That would be where the pilot would need them to moniter the engines when going 500 mph just 50 ft off the ground.

 The top half of the panel I made is to represent the important engine instruments, but with two motors to keep track of ,the panel gets crowded quickly.

 I would be very honored if someone came up with a 3d flightsim for this bird. From what I've read , the twin Mustang's flight characteristics weren't all that different from the single engine P-51 ,and most of the ideas I've used are what I've gleaned from P-51 racers. The big difference would be managing two engines at a high rate of speed, very close to the ground. Would hate to lose power in the right motor in the middle of a pylon turn. The sudden asymetrical thrust would probably drive ya' right in the ground. Big smoking hole ,RIP!

 Anyway , I'm having fun with this build. Will probably get the tail turret on the lib done when this thing goes to paint. After that it'll be OOB for the Texan racer I've got planned. Got a beautiful bright blue pearl picked out for Little Miss Magic . My daughters favorite color. She knows thats going to be her plane. All part of Daddy 1 Racing.



  • Member since
    March 2006
Posted by simpilot34 on Monday, April 12, 2010 3:04 AM

Oh Howard I am Loving That!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!! I can not wait to see the color on her!!!!! Not a nit pick just an expectation of sorts, I would have loved to have seen an LCD screen for the engine intruments in the office!! You'll need to sets of them and seeing how the IP is already cramped, analog gauges are out of the question. Man that is one sweet ride!!!!!!!! Would love to see if someone could model it in 3d for flightsim!!!!!!! I would fly it in a heartbeat!!!!!!!!ToastToastToast

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
    November 2008
  • From: Zephyrhills,FL
Posted by daddy1 on Sunday, April 11, 2010 9:38 PM

Nice camera fermis. It got to pics you needed, even in pink. I've been looking at a top end point-n-shoot, just a step away from digital SLR with an equally top end price. May still go that way to be able to shoot pics in the RAW format. I would like to get more creative with my pics (not just models) and submit to various mags and I know they really like the RAW format. Gives them room to adjust things in case my photo skills arn't right on.  Thanks for your info. Tells me I don't have to go high end to get my pics published.

 On the subject of pics, here are pics of the 'office' on Tantrum

 The seat belts are 'grass' lifted from my daughters Easter basket. The seat came from an old 1/48 Revell F-16 ,much cut down. The control stick came from the Hobbycraft kit ,but I subbed the grip from the F-16. Looks more high tech. Everything else was made from bits of plastic and sprue.

 Included is the punch set I ordered from Micro-Mark. Wish I had gotten one of these a long time ago. BTW- check out my home made tapping mallet. Works well. Just scrap oak and a length of dowel.

 Finally are the completed pics. My references were pics of P-51D and various racer cockpits with a fair amount of poetic license thrown in .

These last three show the lower fuselage parts and props in very early stages of construction. They're looking pretty rough at the moment, but with some trimming and sanding and filling, then more sanding etc.............

 The idea maker in the paint dept is  still working on several schemes .  I'm going to try and incorporate flames ,swoops, scallops . Should be wild. The big challenge will be getting the paint mirror smooth.



  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Saturday, April 3, 2010 12:06 AM

Yeah right Fermis sure ya do Big Smile

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: hamburg michigan
Posted by fermis on Thursday, April 1, 2010 9:45 PM


Allow me Fermis! Hehehe here is the camera in question guys.

 Yes sir, aint it purdy!!!!

That's a huge compliment there Randy!!! Greatly appreciated, but I must admit, I use my ninja camera skills to hide all the flaws!!!!Stick out tongue

  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Thursday, April 1, 2010 9:29 PM

Raptordriver I hope you can find something would love to have you join us. Of course you can do a what if build too ya know Wink

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: From Vernal UT OH YEA!!
Posted by raptordriver on Thursday, April 1, 2010 8:35 PM

Vetteman42! I don't have a Air Racer right now, but I am going to the model contest soon, so I will look for one at the vendor tables. I would love to join this group.




  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Thursday, April 1, 2010 7:26 PM

Hey maybe I should get me one of those Pink cameras so I can build half as well as Fermis does. Cant help but wunder if that has anything to do with his extreme talent. And I aint kidding about his "EXTREME TALENT" one lil bit.

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
    March 2006
Posted by simpilot34 on Thursday, April 1, 2010 7:09 PM

Allow me Fermis! Hehehe here is the camera in question guys.

I have the next model up from urs Ferm, S860/S760, but it's silver!

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
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  • From: hamburg michigan
Posted by fermis on Thursday, April 1, 2010 10:39 AM

HA HA HA!!!!!


I'm secure enough in my  manhood to admit that, yes, yes I am using a pink camera!!!!Embarrassed

I'd take a picture of it to show you how pretty it is, but that's a bit tough to do!!!!

  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:52 PM

Daddy1 can't wait to see pictures of your custom IP hurry up will ya Whistling







fermis- I have been shopping around for a new camera , most likely a digital SLR with RAW format ability. I was wondering what you used for the pics of your F-82 in the magazine, if you don't mind my asking?



It's a Samsung "S730" (7.2 megapixel) , and I think those pics were taken before I figured out the macro setting. I don't know what it cost, it was a gift to my wife and I, but it's a beautiful pink pearlEmbarrassedStick out tongue

Fermis are you tellin us you are taking your pictures of mean lookin warbirds and fire breathin mighty fast racers wiff a pretty PINK PEARL camera ? How sweet Stick out tongue

I just couldn't resist Fermis LOL

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: hamburg michigan
Posted by fermis on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:39 PM



fermis- I have been shopping around for a new camera , most likely a digital SLR with RAW format ability. I was wondering what you used for the pics of your F-82 in the magazine, if you don't mind my asking?

It's a Samsung "S730" (7.2 megapixel) , and I think those pics were taken before I figured out the macro setting. I don't know what it cost, it was a gift to my wife and I, but it's a beautiful pink pearlEmbarrassedStick out tongue

  • Member since
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  • From: Zephyrhills,FL
Posted by daddy1 on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:00 PM

I was hoping to post a pic of the instrument panel tonight , the punch set really works well. Big Smile

Then , not being quite satisfied with the size of a couple of the holes , tried to carve out a tad more and ended up with one looking like the Darlington Speedway egg shaped track , another like a football. RATS!!! And it looked pretty good tooBang Head. Oh well, new tool, new process, learning curve.

 Making a second panel , I like the layout of the instruments better this time. Just have to paint it and install the faces and a few switches.

fermis- I have been shopping around for a new camera , most likely a digital SLR with RAW format ability. I was wondering what you used for the pics of your F-82 in the magazine, if you don't mind my asking?


  • Member since
    March 2006
Posted by simpilot34 on Monday, March 29, 2010 7:14 AM

Hans, sorry to hear about the paint!!! Hope ur green stuff bath does the trick.Yes

Howard, really looking forward to seeing some more pics of the F-82R!!!!

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
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  • From: Zephyrhills,FL
Posted by daddy1 on Sunday, March 28, 2010 10:38 PM

Sorry to hear of your paint problems Hans. If it's any consolation , the cockpit looks great! I hadn't thought of about leaving the seat out and the other mods you did in the rear hole, but it makes sense.I'll be keeping that in mind when I build Little Miss Magic .

Currently taking a break from stuffing Lib turrets with detail to build up the cockpit on the F-82R .Will be completely custom pit from the IP to the seat . Coming along nicely , will post pics in a couple days . Anxious to get the office done so I can get to the radiators and NACA scoops on the belly. Then to paint.

 I'm thinking of using nail polish for paint on the F-82. It's durable, high gloss,  and comes in a wide array of wild colors,even pearls. They also are usually compatible with automotive lacquers (another source of great ,wild colors). 

 These type of paints are way too hot for bare plastic , but since I'm priming with auto sanding primer ,all should come out well. Done it before on some model street rods. 

jmabx- Love those pics Jeremy. I'll try and dig up some pics I took  of the Gee Bee when it was doing the airshow circuit. It was at the Sun-N-Fun fly in here back in the early 90s. Was pretty cool seeing it taxi by just a few feet away, and he really put it through it's paces. That's an awful lot of motor on that small airframe.

 BTW- I've noticed that Williams Bro.s has a limited run on the 1/32 Gee Bee R-1 and the Weddell-Williams Gilmore Special also in 1/32. I've had the Gee Bee R-1 and Z models for years . Love them. Have to pickup the Gilmore Special. Even in that scale they aren't big models but build up beautifully.



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  • From: Iowa
Posted by Hans von Hammer on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 8:10 AM

Well, I shot the T-6 with it's gloss black overcoat and saw to my horror that it orange-peeled!!  The entire left stab and a section of the fuselage wrinkled like Nancy Pelosi's face would if her lifts ever let loose...  It looked like a scale-version of a paint job that had Zip-Strip spilled on it.   So, it's currently spending the next 24 hours or so sitting tail-down in a bath of green stuff to take the paint off those sections...

  • Member since
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Posted by vetteman42 on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 12:21 PM

Jmabx Hey thanks for the pictures ya lucky dog. Must have had a blast wandering through there, gotta love all those vintage aircraft. Judging from your picture I didn't make the flying wires too large on the Laird Solution they look big even on the real one. I have a Gee Bee R-1 I want to build also, so if you have anymore pictures of that one and maybe more of the others I would like to see them.

Randy So many to build.......So little time

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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Monday, March 22, 2010 11:49 PM

Hans no need to fear the Hammer is here Stick out tongue I really like what I am seeing here Hans, great idea making the cowl a tough oversize. Your cockpit detail just pops especially with your color choices. What I hope the canopy will not hide are the IP panels. I love those they are right on the money and look so real, very well done. I will have to remember that trick for my T-6 build.

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: Rhode Island
Posted by jmabx on Monday, March 22, 2010 7:42 PM

Looking good so far Hans! Yes  Looking forward to seeing some paint on her.

Randy - I took a trip to the New England Air Museum on Sunday and thought of your first racer for this group build when I ran into this...


She's the real deal. Apparently modified and re-engined many times over the years but restored after being bought by the museum.

They also had a GeeBee R-1 Super Sporster replica and a Marcoux-Bromberg R-3 Special. Nice little racing display. Cool

Jeremy    Propeller


  • Member since
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  • From: Iowa
Posted by Hans von Hammer on Monday, March 22, 2010 10:33 AM

Some great looking stuff so far...  I'm almost afraid to post what I got goin' on here...


But I will anyway...

My Racer is of course, the classic 1970s Monogram T-6 Texan (diguised as a Revell kit) and is built pretty much SOB with a few exceptions...  I vacuformed a new cowl for it, one that was slightly oversized to increase the airflow past the jugs,  which is needed in the climate at Reno, given that the engines will be running full-bore, throttles slammed against the firewall... 




Today, it's finish with the cowl mounts (I've got one in there, as you can see. It's just a piece of .030 strip), clean up the trailing and leading edges of the wings & tail, and then it's off to paint...

The panels are the decals that came with the kit, cut close and pressed down hard over the molded-on relief detail, and set it with vinegar.  The front seat was given red cushions, detailed with a foil tape set of belts and some PE buckles. The rear seat isn't going to be in it, since I figure that , in race configuration, the seat would be removed to save weight. 

I also took out all the "ammo cans" and the racks for them from the rear bulkhead, painted the fire extinguisher a modern red instead of the copper-color of WW2-era extinguishers, and did the framework of the cockpit in black & interior green, with  Testor's Silver applied to the interior walls of the fuselage...  It brightens it a bit in there so the detail is easier to see, although once the canopy sections are in place, it'll largely disappear..

Once the overall black color scheme is applied, I'll start playing around with some red trim areas, and make the decals for "The Hammer of Hell"..

  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Monday, March 22, 2010 12:29 AM

Jeaton01 You are quite right about trusting the Newspapers. From the pictures I saw ( I am no expert here) it didn't appear that the airframe separated in flight. I will be waiting for the preliminary report from the NTSB. What I did see in print, a surprising amount of it, was laughable I must say.

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Monday, March 22, 2010 12:21 AM



The purple scheme on  Voo Doo gives me some great ideas for  paint .

Oh I cant wait for this paint job Daddy1 Yeah

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: Zephyrhills,FL
Posted by daddy1 on Sunday, March 21, 2010 11:25 PM

 I've decided Tantrum should be the moniker for my twin 'Stang. It was one of the early ideas I thought of for this bird. Keep coming back to it so, it has to be the right one.

 Yes, Randy, I agree,Yes Tantrum really fits this fire-breathing bird going 500 mph, 50 ft off the ground. Besides, Tantrum will give me a lot of freedom to get crazy with the paint .

The purple scheme on  Voo Doo gives me some great ideas for  paint .



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