I didn't get the time to write down my comments on your awesome models:
I can't write a lot about every model, because that would fill pages and would need forever to write.
So here we go:
I absolutely love your Hornet, Fly-n-hi! Especially the folded-in wing tips look great! I also like the colour scheme you chose for it.
The Stuka looks great too, Bish. I love the look of those cannon pylons.
Casper: Your Dragonfly is awesome! The model looks great and the plane itself looks kinda cute! (like a baby-Intruder)
I am not so fond of your Nighthawk though. Don't get me wrong, the model you built there is great! I just dont like the Nighthawk itself not too much.
There are too many excellent models in this thread to mention all of them...
...but i want to leave my thoughts on the model that impressed me most as the last point in this post:
Its Dre's Frogfoot!
I just love the amount of detail you put in the cockpit of this bird! You really do the Aires (i think it is Aires at least) detail set more than justice. I like the plane itself and the camo pattern you painted there as well!
After seeing your build I am really scared of my big Flanker I have lying around here (especially of the Aires set i got for it). I know i can't achieve the same excellent results you got with your Frogfoot, but I'll try at least in the future.