I was just looking for a B-52D in 1/72nd...
I "re-discovered" eBay about 10 days ago. Visited it back in 2006 a few times and was not impressed. I was talking to a friend about B-52's and said I was looking for a "D" model. He suggested eBay and said it was much better now.
So I went looking for a B-52D in 1/72. It IS much better now, so much better that I end up with a B-52D, B-36, B-17B, C, D, E, F, G (all in 1/72) and some B-17 and B-24 decals, B-17 gun barrels, B-17 engines and B-17 main landing gear (all in 1/48).
I'm a happy guy and my wish list is gone. Even my wife got a kick out of how excited I was. But, or course, the bills will be coming! In the mean time I continue working on a B-52G and XB-70 (both in 1/72). My job has slowed me down majorly on both, but clearly I need it to feed my plastic habit.