Welcome to the group! Any new volunteers are certainly welcome at any stage of the game. And, you've got a kit and everything (as you've probably read, not everyone is so lucky to have one in the 'stash'.)
I was lucky enough to find one the other night and I started on it this morning (happy to say I didn't 'cheat'). I must say that the 'spirit' of this project is definitely alive in me. As I opened the box, I could feel the adrenalin (ok, maybe I'm exagerating) surging and all I wanted to do was have the darn thing finished!! I started putting it together and gluing like a mad-man. At one point, I was examining the front gear-bay and thinking "Oh, I could make this way better." Then I remembered what we were doing and I realized that when I was 7 or 8 years old, the last thing I'd be thinking of was puting some additional details into a gear-bay! "Just get the thing together so we can get some paint on it," would have been more in-line with my thoughts then!!
So, I'm probably spending a *little* more time cleaning the parts up and removing the flash (than I did when I was 8), but all-in-all I'm really looking forward to the PAINT stage.
I've made a leap of faith and put the front fuselage together BEFORE I've installed the cockpit. I test fit theparts and it looks like I'll be able to slide it in there when it's finished. Boy, I hope I'm not wrong or it's gonna be one funny looking jet...
I haven't sliced my finger with the knife yet, so I guess I've improved my modelling skills somewhat since I was 8.
I don't have a digital camera, so you'll just have to visualize my progress for now. I should be able to get access to one in the next few days, so I'll post a picture then. (the way things are going, I might even have paint on it by then!!)