Bill, Nate, Tony, and Mike--thanks, guys; I do apreciate the comments!
Bill--"It doesn't just look like an ersatz that sat on its haunches until spring, somhow, it FEELS like it's been out in the elements."--Ahhh, now THAT's the kind of thing I was going for! Thanks for the great way of putting that!
Rick--"This one ROCKS! Nice work overall, and probably your best weathering to date..." WOW, that's a great vote of confidence for me, hearing you say that! Thanks, man--I'll never stop pushing the MIG stiff which I think is so integral to the methods that I've adopted now! Thanks for that nice compliment!
David--"Master Jedi Modelling skills in full effect."--lol! Thanks, man!
Stephen-- "Does this mean we might start to see some American armor in your inventory now?"--uhhhh.....mmmmm........maybe?! lol! Seriously, though--you may..maybe I'll surprise everyone sometime soon?! Thanks for your comment!
Marc, Andy, and Mark--thanks a lot guys, I do appreciate your compliments!
Hmmm...what's next now? ..........