So I came down to my dad for Christmas, and on the 24th, which is Christmas eve here, I picked up the following kit from his LHS:
It's a kit I've always wanted, and as I am just here for Christmas and new year (Going home on Saturday) I just wanted something quick too.
But now ofcourse, the happy holidays gave me not too much time to build, so things have benn going slow, but still alot quicker than I usually build at!
Now first I had to do the chassis, and the leaf suspension had some nasty ejector pinmarks:
They were easily taken care of by simply dragging the knife along the grooves and over the ejector pinmarks so they too got the grooves:
Now onto the body itself, it too had many nasty sinkmarks on the underside. But that was no fight for a stick with sand on it:
Now I did like the shape of the radiator alot, and decided to take a little stylished photo and edit it slightly, just for the fun of it. I like the look of it:
Now I am VERY proud of myself to tackle these thin parts so well! Here's the different sticks for the floor:
Now, usual Tamiya, more sinkmarks. Here on the back of the seat (was on both seats). It was quickly fixed with a knife:
Here's the three worst located ejector pinmarks. It was hard to get away, but with some extra time, they were gone!
Now I do lack a photo, but the three subassemblies (chassis, body, windshield) was sprayprimed with Citadels Chaos Black. And then they were brushpainted with Vallejo Modelcolour 70889 USA Olive Drab:
And all dryfitted:
Now as said, I am very proud I got all the thin parts all succsessfull. Here's two of the handles on the body:
I did also want to add one extra passanger to the car. I went for the other sitting soldier included:
Now his pose doesn't look very neatrual, does it well?
Now to fix this, I slice the foot that needs repositioning in three, and I drill a 1mm hole in all 4 ends:
I put him togheter using superglue and steel wire, so his limbs are moveable:
And then we reposition his leg:
Now at that, I have added putty to the huge gaps. It is currently drying, and I will hope that at the end it will look good. I am really enjoying this build, and I am looking forward for questions, advice, critics and comments! Please, bring 'em on!