If you are truly and fully content with the look of your models with the steps you perform, then you shouldn't feel unaccomplished. If you do feel unaccomplished, then you might want to try slowly intoducing more techniques, so that you can gradually improve and add a more complex look to your models. Improvement is very important to me, and I'd recommend trying new things if you'd like to imrove your models. BUT if you're truly happy with what your models look like, and desire nothing more in their appearance, then keep doing exactly what you're doing.
Do you only feel unaccomplished because you don't feel that you're models have as complex a finish as some? If you still have fun building and are proud of your finished models, then don't do anything different.
I recently built a Russian Aerosledge, and someone criticised my paint finished saying that I've got to do it his way!! He called it overspray I called it camo finish( winter shading, snow & frost) ). I build my kits for one person and that's me. if I chose to share the build, fine, but after 40 years of building I don't need to be told by some snotty kid how to do things.
Please read this very carefully.
In the thread you are referring to, I was unsure if the white specks on the seat were snow (which would be a very cool effect), or unintentional white overspray. It could have easily been either. Specifically, I asked "The chipping looks good, and htere's definitely some depth to the white color, but inside the body, like on the seat, is that intentional white specks (like snow?) or is it overspray from your airbrush?"
You responded "The reasoning us that that's the way I like it! I don't waste money on airbrushes, I tried it once it didn't work so I threw it away!"
How did my legitimate question A) criticize your paint job or B) suggest that you should do it any other way? You avoided my question altogether, and are now being belligerent and childish by calling me a "snotty kid", not to mention the fact that you just made up an entire fictional situation that is wholly false. I never said you should do it any other way than you did, nor did I say anything that suggested your techniques looked poor. If it was indeed intentional snow effects, then you did a very good job of adding them, but I wouldn't know, becuase you snapped and said "The reasoning us that that's the way I like it!" instead of answering my question.
Here's the origianl thread, for reference.
FACEBOOK: Ryan Olson Thorgeirsson for pics of all my builds.
"There are two kinds of people in this world; those who put fries/chips on their sandwiches, and those who don't enjoy life."