While in the process of building this japanese tank I noticed mistakes in the instruction sheet. For the benefit of those who will be making this model, I have scanned pages of the instruction sheet where I found errors. The tank is easy to build because of the simplicity of its design but many details were included in the interior which when done will not or be hardly seen, I find it a fun build, making my first japanese tank ever.
On the first page of the manual, (K) ,the handles of the grilled doors were interchanged and basing it from the drawing, D16 and D20 should be switched in location.
On page 2, the box on the upper right hand corner, all the parts marked D except D25(D26) should have been marked as parts A because the parts can be found on Sprue A.
In step 9, in the turret hatches, part A35 is nowhere to be found, Parts in sprue A does not have A35 nor could it be found in the other sprues. I had to make the handles from brass wires.
On step 7, assembling the gun mount, there should have been a warning not to cement parts C15(16) and C18 to C44. Otherwise the gun will not elevate.
These are the corrections I made on my build. I hope it can be of help to others. In fairness, the tank looks good, deails are DML sharp and fit is good.