SUPER nice kit, cool little machine, and maybe half-again as many parts as that Firefly, not including those really tiny-but-nice MagicTracks! I admit I am partial to panzer I almost anything, but what would that possibly have to do with my vote?
DO put on a metal barrel with a proper little flash-hider, if you go this one! It makes this great kit POP!
Cheers guys!
Good call.
IF parts-count doesn't swing things (Flakie higher), nor size-on-the-shelf (Fly way bigger)... consider my favorite decision-making criterion... the sounds and monolog you get to make as you push the thing across the workbench!
Flakpanzer IA (Ingrid): grrrrr - clatterclatterclatter - scrunch - clatterclatterclatter - squeak - clatter... "ACHTUNG, Hans!" - clatterclatter- "Halt Ingrid! Scnell! Ivan komm vom links! LINKS!" - clatterclat-SCRUNCH - "Feuer, Gunther, FEUER jetz!" - clink- Bam Ba-ba-ba-ba-bam - "***! Gehen, Hans, GEHEN! Macht SCHELL! Der verdammpte Russkie ... Er zurruck-kommen!" - grr-grrrrr clatterclatter - "SCHNELL, Hans, SCHNELL!" (Wrrrrrr RRRR -Ratatatatatatatatatat - ratata...) - "Geh -" -Wham!
Or something like that, with a Corporal Schultz type of accent.
FireFly: RUMBLERUMBLERUMBLE - jangle - squeak - RUMBLERUMBLE - "Lads! Tiger ahead! There, right off to the right! SH*T! He's on to us! SCOTTY! Get us off this damned road RIGHT NOW!" - RUUUUMBLERUMBLE scrunch clatter RUMBLERUMBLE Bang - "Corp! Load AP Smartly there, lad, smartly!" - (bang! clatter-SLAM) - "AP UP, Sah! " - "Scotty. Good place right here. STOP her NOW! - Guns! Get your Aim. Put it right at the base of his turret, if you would, please!" - lumlumlum whir-creak-grumble-clank- "Ready, SAH!" "Right-o.... SHOOT!" - BLAAM! - WHAAAM! "RIGHT! Hole in one, boys! Hole in one! He's a deader and a right fine shot, there, guns! OK, Scotty... Let's get us back up on the road, shall we? Corp, you wouldn't mind doing up some tea now, would you? That's a lad!"
All this sort of stuff with, of course, some sort of Brit-sounding tones!
Decisions decisions decisions!