Hi chaps, I would like to show you my E100 build that took in Trumpeter's E-100 and E-100 Jagdpanzer.
both use the kit guns as I couldn't find an AM aluminium replacement and the E-100 has Friul tracks while the E-100 Jagdpanzer has the rubber band style kit tracks.
Friul tracks. They have a base that you buld small sections on.
E-100 turret. Ready to go back into the paint shop. This is my first build using an airbrush!!!!
This is the completed Jagdpanzer. I sprayed all over with Tamiya TS3 Dark Yellow
Jagdpanzer and E100 upper hull. You can see the difference between the Tamiya and the Vallejo. The Vallejo is the After Pattern dark yellow. Tamiya's TS2 is more of the initial 1943 dark yellow.
Running gear done
Tracks built and fitted! Phew! lots of work, but look good!
Mesh screens added.
looking more like a tank
Time to go outside and do some photos in proper natural light.
Ok, back into the paint shop fir final paint job and finishing.
Final photos taken outside on a nice bright clear day.
And now a final photo showing just why you should never trust anyone who can tell colours from a black and white period photo.
The photo has been altered in photoshop to accurately recreate a properly taken WWII photo using filters to recreate the greyscale used in German film. We all know that the colours varied from batch to batch and manufacturer and also with the medium used to thin down the paste prior to application. IMHO anyone who can look at the photo and then at a chip card and say that this one is the yellow is telling a big whopper!
Comments etc welcome.