Hi all,
If anyone is looking for a worthy tax deduction and something to help out a valid cause and one of the best Armor museums you will ever visit, consider giving something to the American Armoured Foundation, Inc. Tank and Ordnance War Memorial Museum in Danville, Va. Even if you don't make it in time for the New Year's deductions, give anyway if you care about being able to see this truly amazing museum any time in the future. They're going to get matching grants to help pay for it, but they have to raise half of the funds first. Please do this if you're an Armor enthusiast!!
Please send your donations via PayPal to aaftank@gamewood.net. or send your check AAF Tank Museum, 3401 US Highway 29, Danville, VA 24540 with the memo "Roof Fund".
The website: http://www.aaftankmuseum.com/
Some pics from my trip there: