The M93A1 Fox is kitted by Revell of Germany. I have no Fox experience, but their version supposedly makes into the W. German Fuchs variant and US NBC Fox variant. I have one, but do not know how accurate it is. It is kit #3038 and called the TPz 1 Fuchs A6 ABC. They also make the non-US (non-chem) variant as well.
The AAV7A1 is kicking around in a couple of boxings by Tamiya, Academy and Trumpeter. Don't know how much work it would take to make an Iraq War variant.
Don't forget to pass kudos on to AFV Club for their M548 Ammo Carrier, M35A2 Deuce and a half, and the M88A1 Medium Recovery Vehicle and a few other support vehicles as well. I have all three kits and highly recommend them. (BTW even though all three vehicles have been replaced by newer variants, they are still everywhere). The M88A1 is a superb kit, they also make a Vietnam era M88 and Revell of Germany boxes one with German specific fittings.
Academy also still sends out rumors of the long promised M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle (CEV-my old ride).
There. That should be enough to keep you busy without having to mention the Hobby Fan conversions for the HEMTT and 900 series 5 ton trucks.