I've only recently gotten back into the hobby and the local hobby store seems to stock some very odd kit makers. Unfortunately they are not totally forthcoming about the quality.
I built a Heller "Mir" which was fine, but light on details, I purchased an STC Start ISS which was total junk, completely non-buildable.
Working on a DML (dragon) Stug III with which I am not very impressed by the fit or the instructions.
I did see at another hobby shop the ICM Lynx (ICM seems to be from the Ukraine) and it was a mere $22. I have always harboured a fond spot for the Lynx tank and wanted to build one. On eBay I found the same kit for $5, so here it was.
The kit arrived the other day and I carefully looked over the quality.
First thing that hits you is the colour of the plastic, it's Pumpkin Orange!!
The details of the parts is *exceptional*, far better (IMO) than the DML kit. No flash, no warppage and the parts appear to be lightly held on the sprues, so cleanup and removal will be a snap.
The instructions are in both russian and english, and not in engrish, so that's a plus in my book.
The instructions about placement also appear to be exacting (again, unlike the DML kit) and overall I look forward to building this.
One odd thing (or perhaps not so odd, considering the place of origin of the kit) the parts appear to be covered in Cosmoline...anyone know how to get this gunk off?