Hey Chris,
Looks like an M48, but a couple things are jumpin out at me. Since you took the trouble to add some AM, maybe you might be interested in changinga few things?
I think the searchlight should have a canvas cover or the lens should be plexiglass?
The fenders are bent , but the paint is in tact, a collision would leave a little scraped paint?
The classic "fogging " of the (Testors?) dull laquer really gives an inconsistent finish, rather than imply "dust" from the road. I would hit the whole model with some future, and after cure, start over with a nice wash to bring out the details, especially the suspension and lower hull..then hit her with a reliable matte coat like Polyscale
It looks like the gunners and driver vision blocks are painted OD
only the left upper tail blackout light should have a red lens? (check me on this).
the kool aid can on the left rear fender isn't tied down, it would certainly fall off the minute the vehicle moved
I would also apply some slight rust to the heater exhaust tube, these things really got hot and the paint sort of baked off in the field
The rear grille door vanes should have some "soot" applied, as this is where the exhaust vented.
Just a few things from my tankin' years buddy.
I'm really looking forward to your dio project.