$13.99 Pyrogravure at A.C. Moore's!!!
Hey guys--because I'm one of those silly modelers who admits that he doesn't know the BEST way to do zimmerit, and therefore am always open to trying new things, () I was at A.C. Moore's hobby chain store today, and saw this in the paint and stencils aisle--a "Plaid/Stencil Decor Stencil Cutter--and I thought "Hmmm..? Looks like a perfect pyrogravure to me!"
For those of you who don't know, a pyrogravure is basically a heat tool, used to groove or indent wood or plastic. For years they've been exceptionally difficult to find, the only option really being to order one from overseas (if you could find one) or make one with a jigged-up soldering iron.
But not now!! Here's the nice, fine tips you get....
...and here's not even five minutes work, totally un-practiced by me, on a spare DML hull (the Tiger VK4501P command tank)--just "let'e see what this thing can do"....BRAAAP! ...It's AMAZINGLY easy! Mind you--this wasn't even "trying"! Just pure improvisation! Imagine this with a bit of planning, care, and cleaning up?!
Purdy cool, huh?
For those of you with an open mind and a spirit of adventure, there's finally an easy product to get for this methid! I'm gonna try it out on possibly the next build! (After the beater Nomad I'm working on right now) Cheers!