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Just finished, wish I could show you a picture

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  • Member since
    March 2010
Just finished, wish I could show you a picture
Posted by stcat on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:32 PM

Is there a way to show our work without finding a site that will host pictures, and then putting it there and IMG'ing it back?  It seems silly that our forums can't do what every other forum can embed a picture from my computer.

To quote Dilbert, here's a dime.  Buy yourself 100mb of server space.

  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:34 PM

  • Member since
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  • From: Albuturkey New Mexico
Posted by modelmaniac1967 on Thursday, November 18, 2010 7:20 PM

It does seem like a pain as some forums do host the pics, I know what you are talking about but with Finescale no. Probably easier for them as they do not have to host all that space for photos. The best site I have used is the old It seems to be the easiest to use so far. 

Life is an illusion, if you can master the art of illusion you have it made.[View:]

  • Member since
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  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Friday, November 19, 2010 8:41 AM


It does seem like a pain as some forums do host the pics, I know what you are talking about but with Finescale no. Probably easier for them as they do not have to host all that space for photos. The best site I have used is the old It seems to be the easiest to use so far. 

I'll second the use of Photobucket.  Very easy to use.  If and when you get an account with them, go to the "help" forumof FSM's forums for discussions on posting pictures.  Even with the photo account there are some tricks to the process.

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

  • Member since
    January 2007
Posted by the doog on Friday, November 19, 2010 6:00 PM

Geez, man, it's not that hard, or inconvenient. With the amount of photos that are posted on Finescale's forums, it would be unmanageable and too expensive to do that.

Some sites do offer you bandwidth or whatever it's called, but it's a HUGE PITA. You have very little space to use, so what winds up happening is that people upload photos, post them to their threads, and then in like, as little as a month, the photos are deleted from the thread to make more room for the user, rendering the value of the thread useless then.

Get yourself a FREE Photobucket account and get in the game.

  • Member since
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  • From: Wherever the hunt takes me
Posted by Boba Fett on Friday, November 19, 2010 6:04 PM

I know, everyone complains about it. Sometimes Photobucket can be a pain to use, but it's been good to me.

  • Member since
    November 2009
  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Saturday, November 20, 2010 8:56 AM

Don't know who your ISP is, but most ISPs these days give their subscribers storage space for a web site.  While I do put most of my model pics on Photobucket, the best models and shots do go on the modeling section of my home page.  I have done messages on FSM forums with the URL to that pic, and it works fine.

The amount of storage most ISPs provide these days will hold a number of pics, but you may have to manage the number and delete old ones, depending on how big (storage space size) your pics are.

There is a lot of commercially available, inexpensive software out there (even some free or shareware stuff) to create and edit your web site.  Some ISPs still require FTP to load your site, so you also need an FTP utility.


Don Stauffer in Minnesota

  • Member since
    March 2010
Posted by stcat on Sunday, November 21, 2010 6:53 AM

I plan to.  However, the amount of photo's Finescale posts are small compared to some other forums.  My Harley sites, such as, which is hosted by a small company, can maintain thousands of pictures for several years. 

As an IT Director, I know the size of photo's and possible capacities.  It is quite do-able.  Even if I assume the halfway point (500KB, as most sites cap uploads at 1MB), our contributers would have to download 4 million pictures before it even fills up an average server drive of 2TB (total cost to Kalmbach: $1500 for server, $500 for RAID-5 2 TB drives).  I have a computer with this capacity at home.

Kalmbach publishing has server farms managing 30 websites.  They also publish Astronomy magazine, with a subscription of 115,000 per month.  They are not a small organization.

 They can argue that they do not have the time to manage it (although other, smaller sites don't have that problem).  But it would be difficult to argue that server space is prohibitive.  It simply is that they don't want to provide a service if someone else is willing to pay for it.  If, like me, you are an FSM insider, you start to wonder what you're getting for your money, when they are so cheap on a matter like this.

  • Member since
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  • From: Tornado Alley
Posted by Echo139er on Sunday, November 21, 2010 7:39 AM

I've been using Windows live for quite some time now. I have close to 2,000 HD photos on my site and as far as I can tell I have plenty more space to go. 

I have never used photo bucket so I cannot compare. Look around there are plenty of free sites out there that can host pictures for you.

  • Member since
    January 2007
Posted by the doog on Sunday, November 21, 2010 9:04 AM


  If, like me, you are an FSM insider, you start to wonder what you're getting for your money, when they are so cheap on a matter like this.


But yup, you're right then--they're just not doing it to make it more inconvenient for the .01% who find this as great of an inconvenience as YOU do,

SHEEEESH! Of all the things to spend your time whining and complaining about! Crying  Funny; I'm not even interested in seeing your model anymore... Sleep

  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 21, 2010 9:14 AM

Yawn...go back to your Harley site, Mr. Computer're boring me... 

  • Member since
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  • From: Tornado Alley
Posted by Echo139er on Sunday, November 21, 2010 9:16 AM

the doog




  If, like me, you are an FSM insider, you start to wonder what you're getting for your money, when they are so cheap on a matter like this.




But yup, you're right then--they're just not doing it to make it more inconvenient for the .01% who find this as great of an inconvenience as YOU do,

SHEEEESH! Of all the things to spend your time whining and complaining about! Crying  Funny; I'm not even interested in seeing your model anymore... Sleep


  • Member since
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  • From: Wherever the hunt takes me
Posted by Boba Fett on Sunday, November 21, 2010 9:50 AM


  • Member since
    March 2010
Posted by stcat on Sunday, November 21, 2010 10:57 AM

 Kalmbach would own the servers.  You don't pay charges for hosting.  As regards bandwidth, you clearly do not understand the subject.  Current rates (feel free to look it up between your bouts of namecalling) show a commercial rate averaging about $500/month for 6mbps.  The rate of a transfer of a photo, unlike say, a 300 mpbs video transfer at HD, would be about 50kpbs.  Now, even assuming Kalbach uses a low bandwidth fiber connection, each picture would use about 1/1200th of the existing bandwidth for that particular server.

Instead of responding with facts, you decide to emote.  (and then edit out the name calling later).

Look, if you want to say, gee, well, use Photobucket...I agree. That's a good choice.

But if you want to make this some emotional, "oh no, he's just an idiot for making this statement, and I just gotta call him names..." , well, we don't have a discussion.

  • Member since
    January 2007
Posted by the doog on Sunday, November 21, 2010 11:07 AM


How can people be so stupid?

Well, we agree there....Big Smile

Current rates (feel free to look it up between your bouts of namecalling) show a commercial rate averaging about $500/month for 6mbps.

Right. Which means they would have to purchase it. At a time when magazine subscription rates have fallen to record-low levels. Which would mean that that would get passed onto the consumers, who already pay a pretty high rate of subscription at nearly $40/year.

You're still wrong on the topic.

Lookey there--we agree AGAIN! Big Smile



  • Member since
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  • From: Wherever the hunt takes me
Posted by Boba Fett on Sunday, November 21, 2010 12:10 PM

Wow dude, I was trying to make a point.

As Karl JUST said,  It still costs money. Look, my point was not to justify why Kalmbach shouldn't host the pics themselves, my point was that it for your extra 2 minutes (less really) that the WHOLE issue could be avoided!!!!!!  I know you DO plan on it, but why get so irritated when Kalmbach is providing a service for free?

also, I apologize for my lack of knowledge in the computer area, but the fact of the matter is.... it still costs money for them. Every character of text, every pixel in that picture, takes up space. Even if they own the servers, at some point the servers will get so overloaded that they will have to buy new ones. Is it really worth it to have Kalmbach host the pics, and have a possible increase in price of the mag at some point? What if they start setting up more forums? Gonna tax their servers.... Can't assume everything will stay the exact same way. And then what DOES happen when the1,200th pic is posted? Forum gains members every day....

And I do apologize for emoting, however, you've not proven yourself to be exactly the most... congenial person. I've looked at some of your other posts on the topic, and you're pretty condescending at times.

How long do you think it takes before Matt swoops down and locks this one? lol. 10-1 it's before midnight tonight....

EDIT: and here, you've proven that you do not understand the forum's concept...

Seems rather foolish to make us jump through hoops to post our pictures.  We're paying for a subscription.  For what?  Text only?  When I finish a model, I want to show people.  Server space is not so prohibitive that you take our money, and then give us so little in return.  The days of the BBS are over.  Let us post our pictures without a major effort.  Or you may find we will go elsewhere and pay a service that offers us more value.  Not a threat.  Just a business suggestion.


how is waiting for 10 seconds, copying and pasting a mere lone of text "jumping through hoops?" That's part of the reason WHY I was emoting, since nobody is willing to take the extra second to just do it.... ARRGH! I'm emoting again. I'm leaving before I get banned like Manny and turn into a delusional, muppet-faced Field Marshall......

Stick out tongue

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 21, 2010 12:16 PM

So...where is this great model of yours?  What is it, a model of a YB2000 Mainframe in 72nd scale..??? 

  • Member since
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  • From: Wherever the hunt takes me
Posted by Boba Fett on Sunday, November 21, 2010 12:17 PM

Manstein's revenge

So...where is this great model of yours?  What is it, a model of a YB2000 Mainframe in 72nd scale..???

  • Member since
    March 2010
Posted by stcat on Sunday, November 21, 2010 7:18 PM

At the risk of re-wrestling the pig...

I cogently described how hosting a site of pictures would not break the bank, both in capacity and bandwidth.  I'm sorry that upset some of you.

For those to whom it's not a great issue, that's OK.  It's not the end of the world (well, unless you're from Cornwall...Smile   The method suggested by several posters, with links on how-to, are seriously appreciated and worthwhile. 

To those who would like a direct post of pictures, I suggest you send a polite email to the contact list, and suggest it.  We'll never know what we can get unless we ask.  It's OK to ask. Kalmbach certainly don't need our blessing in how they run things.

Finally, to all the crusaders who want to raise their 1:48th scale swords and defend this forum from all that is evil and treacherous, or perhaps simply to have a last snide word...well, to those folks, quite honestly,  there is little enought  to be said. Sorry you feel that way.  It can be a bitter life.

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 21, 2010 7:21 PM

I wish I could show you a picture...

  • Member since
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  • From: Left forever
Posted by Bgrigg on Sunday, November 21, 2010 8:40 PM


At the risk of re-wrestling the pig...

I cogently described how hosting a site of pictures would not break the bank, both in capacity and bandwidth.  I'm sorry that upset some of you.

For those to whom it's not a great issue, that's OK.  It's not the end of the world (well, unless you're from Cornwall...Smile   The method suggested by several posters, with links on how-to, are seriously appreciated and worthwhile. 

To those who would like a direct post of pictures, I suggest you send a polite email to the contact list, and suggest it.  We'll never know what we can get unless we ask.  It's OK to ask. Kalmbach certainly don't need our blessing in how they run things.

Finally, to all the crusaders who want to raise their 1:48th scale swords and defend this forum from all that is evil and treacherous, or perhaps simply to have a last snide word...well, to those folks, quite honestly,  there is little enought  to be said. Sorry you feel that way.  It can be a bitter life.

All depends on the bank, neh?

If you're serious about needing a link on a tutorial on how to use Photobucket, here is one I made a few years ago and updated at the end of 2009. Photobucket keeps moving the goalposts, so some of the screen shots aren't the same, but you'll get close.

I can presume you've already sent your polite email?

In defense of our 1:48th defenders (some of whom build 1:35 and 1:24 and even 1:72), they consider this their online home, and get a bit defensive. My neck hair is standing on end, for instance. However, given your dig at Cornwall, I assume you're British, and so I'll speak softly and use small words. Many of the people who responded to you negatively are actually quite nice people. Well, except for Manny, he's still better over WW II (just kidding, Manny!). Wink


So long folks!

  • Member since
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  • From: Wherever the hunt takes me
Posted by Boba Fett on Sunday, November 21, 2010 9:27 PM



Well, except for Manny, he's still better over WW II (just kidding, Manny!). Wink

Wait wha? Bitter over WWII? I don't think so... I think he's bitter that there's nobody to order him to kill russkis... Stick out tongue And I do apologize for flying off the handle, I have seen a buttload of rants about the topic on 2 other forums I frequent... and this one made me snap. I do think it is a useless addition, but if you want it, go ahead. Big Smile

  • Member since
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  • From: Pineapple Country, Queensland, Australia
Posted by Wirraway on Monday, November 22, 2010 9:37 PM

Did we ever find out what the model was ?  Gee what an odd place for a rant.... I hate it when I come in on the tail end of things...

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Posted by Aaron Skinner on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 9:58 AM

Stcat and others,

While the FSM Forum is a place to share your work we are not an image hosting site. Given the number and potential size of the images that our members post on a regular basis, there is a great potential for load times and site performance to become very slow. Plus, the Forum software does not provide any kind of image handling software. This is an aspect of the Forum thatis not expected to change any time soon.

The use of a third-party image host site, such as Photobucket, makes it easy for you manage and post your images. Bgrigg has put together a nice tutorial about how to use Photobucket.

While I'm here: I'm not sure why this subject has raised tempers. There is never any reason to call people names on the Forum. Please refrain from using terms like idiot and stupid when talking about you fellow modelers. Attacking other members will not be tolerated and can lead to suspension of posting privileges.

Regards, Aaron

Aaron Skinner


FineScale Modeler

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  • From: Washington State
Posted by leemitcheltree on Saturday, November 27, 2010 11:36 PM


What a hoot!!!!!

Yeah...I can see the argument against Kalmbach not having space or IT support to host every pic that we Forum members choose to upload and share with other members....

But who cares?  Photobucket is free, it works every time, and is actually pretty darned easy to use.

What's the problem?  I tell ya, if THIS issue was the WORST thing that EVER happens to me in my lifetime, then I'd consider that my life is truly blessed. 

Let's not revert to schoolyard name calling.  We're all respectful adults here.  And one thing I've learned in is what it is.  We all have to pick our fights...some fights are worth shedding blood over...some are not.

I've always thought that the fine folks at Kalmbach have given us this website for free...and that's a good thing.  I'm happy with that.

Cheers, LeeTree
Remember, Safety Fast!!!

  • Member since
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Posted by stcat on Monday, November 29, 2010 6:55 AM

Agreed.  And Aaron Skinner was nice enough to respond on why he'd didn't think hosting would work.  I respect that and appreciate his response.

I had responded to the name-calling, and in retrospect, it was a mistake.  I should have let it go.

  • Member since
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  • From: Wherever the hunt takes me
Posted by Boba Fett on Monday, November 29, 2010 7:58 AM

And again, I do want to apologize. It was uncalled for, and totally inappropriate for the situation, no matter what my thoughts were on the subject. Ok, Let's drop this one... Threads like these tend to get ugly if you have a necroer around...


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