I built a 1998 # 3 a while back and used solveset to set my decals with no problems.
If I remember right the Hood was the hardest part in getting them to lay right across the gap.
what I did was apply the decal following the directions. and patting it down with a damp paper towel.. then using a blunt (very blunt so it don't tear the decal) toothpick I pressed the decal into the seam as best I could .. then let dry a bit..
after that I brushed on the Solveset.. let air dry..(don't touch after applying) and repeated this step untill it looked right.. after the first application or so i just mostly brushed the solveset on the seam area.. untill the decal snugged down... can't use to much at a time and it takes time.... but it worked for me.