Here's a little idea you may like to try. One of the problems I have in wiring dizzies for 6,8 or 12 cylinder motors is that the 'turret' where the wire goes into the distributor is often too small to drill out to fit the lead. I have read of various methods of overcoming this, often involving surgical tubing etc, to position the drill, but the fact remains that we don't all have access to this kind of stuff and if our drill bit slips we end up with a plastic 'blob' on the distributor and usually no hole!
To overcome this I cut the turret nearly flush with the top of the distributor. This gives twice the area to drill the hole for the wire. After making sure the wire will fit, cut a small 1mm sliver of insulation from a very thin piece of wire and slot it over the plug lead. Place the lead into the distributor with a drop of Slo-Zap and slide the sliver of insulation down over it onto the distributor. This then replaces the small turret that has been cut off ,and with a coat of paint is undetectable. (it's also a very strong bond if you have to mess with the leads).
Well it works for me, and if you don't tell anyone I guarantee they won't know the difference. Happy modelling - Martin.