Awww I thought this would be a huge sprawling thing, like the Barricady tractor factory. Just kidding, very high end work beutiful figures. Have you tried a led or a germ of wheat bulb in the oil drum smudges?, it might really set it off. I would imagine you have seen the film "Leningrad" some chilling scenes of close quarters combat, in a derilect factory, one unfortunate soldier messes himself in fear, "Ich
s@#$&se mein hosen" is all he can say. Your piece envokes a dark and grim scene, albeit a liesure moment. Very very nice.
The devil is in the details...and somtimes he's in my sock drawer. On the bench.
Airfix 1/24 bf109E scratch conv to 109 G14AS
MPC1/24 ju87B conv to 87G Rev 1/48 B17G toF
Trump 1/32 f4u-1D and staying a1D Scratch 1/16 TigerII.