Hi Don,
Let's see if I can be of assistance....
(1) go to the Yahoo site where your pictures are and open one....
(2) put your curser on it and RIGHT CLICK.... Choose "PROPERTIES"
(3) highlight the URL, Right Click on the blue and choose "COPY"
(4) Back at FSM in your thread, hit Reply to your first message....
(5) above the text window you will see a "Filmstrip" icon that's two left of the Smiley...
(6) click on the filmstrip icon and in the space where it says "Link to Media", put your curser, Right Click and choose "PASTE"
(7) then click the "INSERT" button at the bottom and then "POST" and you'll be in business, sir!
Also, if you have more than one picture you'd like to post, don't close the FSM text window, go back to the yahoo page, and do the same process... when you return to your open FSM text window, below the last picture click your curser, then click the filmstrip icon and insert the other URL in it.... insert as many pictures you want before clicking POST, which will publish your message.
Hope this helps, and looking forward to seeing Roscoe's airplane!
Take care,