dragon did a set of 'mre' body armour, included with one of it's 'para' sets and at least one figure, but theirs just didnt cut it. instead of rigid 'plates', it was 'stuffed'- soft and flexible- and the fittings were not just minimal, they were wrong. so i decided to see if i could do better
thanks for the praise, all i can say is that i'm learning with every figure and that i've learned alot from people on the 1/6 forums (the sixth division, the sixth army group, and one sixth warrior) whose stuff shows how far i've got to go. if you dont know their work already, check out tony barton, boot25, vettius64, pvt skwerl, zuno, darkner imperator, and others who post on the forums. also there are small companies like newline minatures and battlegear toys that make custom boots, uniforms and gear for the best detail and realism. it's a helluva hobby, and can be a very expesive addiction (i've even heard the phrase 'plastic crack' lol).