Actually looks like Luftwaffe blue on my screen, lol...
For a straight outta the bottle Feldgrau (Field Grey), my personal choice is Tamiya's Field Grey, XF-65. My usual mix for Heer Truppen is straight field grey for the tunics and then I add a couple three drops of white and a drop of Olive to lighten the trousers a skosh, but only one or two shades or so.. Anymore than that and it'll turn into a Mausgrau (Mouse Grey) that's better suited for Waffen-SS...
As the war progressed, the color-fastness of the wool was practically non-existant, lol... Heavy laundering would turn 'em into over-whites, lol..
Oh yeah.. Just a tip on the guy with the sleeves up; The lining of the tunic was a distinctly green color with just a hint of grey cast to it, so that would be apparent with sleeves up... Here's the liner color under the collar, which is the same as the interior lining: