While this is not total uncharted waters for me... I am not going to go swimming alone. I just started a Verlinden figure and have a couple of questions. The fig out of the box is posed with a map in the right hand and a pipe in the left but I need to make changes to hold something else. I am going to remove pipe but I really need the palms of both hands more open/flat. Can resin be softened to change shape? Are there AM hands in 120mm?
I may need to change the arms at the elbows too. What is the best method? Softening, if that can even be done, or cutting, change the angle as needed and fill the gap and redo the folds of the cloth? Or something els entirely?
Here's what I've done so far. Not much. Hollowed the bottom of the tunic and thinned the edges to look liked draped cloth. Made new buttons for pants and tunic. And added knots for the shoe laces.