Hello everyone. It's been about 2 years since I've been to the forums and I've taken about a 2 year vacation, but I'm back.
I wanted to start with a figure diorama, where a squad of German soldiers is pinned down by a sniper. I wanted to add more drama to it by having one wounded German soldier out in the open, trying to get back to his comrades, while his squad helplesly hides behind the rubble. This is kind of straight of Saving Private Ryan, but the wounded man is trying to get back behind cover and to a medic waiting by. But with a wounded man a little blood needs to be shown so that the viewers can see what is going on. I've made a bunch of dioramas in the past where a proud panzer tank crew is out of their tank, or a tank is being displayed, but no one ever see's the cost of war in my work.
But to the real question. I added some blood, and tried to limit it as much as possible and keep it within taste, but I need more opinions. Keep in mind that the links will take you to some pictures of my diorama, and they do have blood in them, just so you know. I tried to keep it with taste, but any remarks would be great.