There definately is a problem with me too.
I've got three builds on the bench and while they are always on my mind and I am working at them I realize I have distractions:
Family drops in.
Friends stop by.
Friends and family call me.
Shopping trips for supplies take too long.
Being a 'creature of comfort' the recliner, TV and even bed, constantly call out for me? Oh, meals too?
I have decided to attempt to change some things:
Friends must stop thinking I want to see them so often! I will therefore stop allowing them in the door and they can say whatever is needed from the porch! Those who call will be put on hold until someojne else calls and then they can talk to each other. If a bill collector happens to call in, anyone camping out on my phone line had better settle the bill too!
Family? Heck, they're family, I'm putting them to work at my bench or at least they can bring me coffee refills!
Stores, darn well better locate themselves closer to me or risk my wrath! Also they had better make a dedicated express checkout just in case I do still visit them! Oh, and the police had better forgive my speeding back and forth, for I am on a MISSION!
My furniture, the chair and the bed, can talk to each other while the TV can entertain them for now on!
Yup, I've got work to do and these distractions are just going to have to understand!
Alas, food is still good and will remain, but perhaps, in IV form?