Really impressive, the paint job looks great - very subtle + effective weathering and highlighting!
You certainly wouldn't know it was 1/72 from the pictures! I've seen some other pics of the FineMolds Jedi Starfighter which didn't look too good, but your example is a lot better.
I'm currently working on rebuilding the toy Jedi Starfighter, in the same way as the X-Wing I recently finished (It's much more accurate, dimension-wise, than the X-Wing; the newer toy ships/vehicles generally seem to be better in terms of accuracy) and am probably going to paint it in a similar colour scheme.
What are the dimensions of the FineMolds model? The "JSF" isn't that big even in 1/24, so I'm guessing it must be tiny in 1/72.
Referring to the droid colour that others have mentioned, it is actually red in the film AFAIK, but maybe a slightly lighter shade would have made it stand out more. The toy has it moulded in a distinct red colour, contrasting with the purplish crimson of the ship; not sure if these are the exact colours of the ship in the film though.