Ok guys.. I posted a while ago about how I had to put the refit back into dry dock in order to correct the bad seams and the like..
Well, I completely re-puttied and sanded, and even re-scribed different areas to make it look as fluid and beautifull as I could!.. I even re-painted my upper secondary hull and pylons as I wasnt even happy with the colours I had originally chosen...
Well, all went well, I had done what I had set out to achieve, and was on the final coat of of one of my colours while doing the panelling for the secondary hull... It was a nice sunny day here in Japan about 2 days ago, so I finished my spray and decided to let my model dry in the sun.. As happens here in Japan when you live surrounded by mountains, a sudden gush of wind came out of no-where and blew my refit off its drying stand.. It fell a good 1.5m.. When I heard the crash, i thought. Oh no, there goes all my good work.. But when I went outside, it was still in one piece.. So after further inspection. I noticed that every seem that I had re-done on the left side and the centre of the secondary hull had cracked.. All that work and paint for nothing.. Luckily the right side, and display side was ok for display, so I have gone ahead without repair.. so here she is... I have also redone some colours from my original pictures. Hope you like.. She is still not finished...
Oh yeah. ps.. forgive the mess!..
Chris in Japan