I'm buying some frisbees of equivalet siz and weight to test the magnets first. I'm thinking of using silicone to glue the magnets to the frisbee. Does anyone this is pratical and would work
If it would work then what kind of silicone, or other adhesive should I use that would safely keep the magnets from coming loose in the model, or in this case the frisbee test
I need an adhesive that has a strong bond, and that won't make the plastic of the model become soft or will allow the magnets to come loose? I don't plan on usin putty for various reasons
1. It drys up and will In years time start to crack, and fall apart and the bond will become weak!
Does anybody approve of this
Does anybody know of any good, strong, or safe adhesives that will hold the magnets in place
I plan on using small magnets. mostly disk, ring, or doughnut magnets.
Thanks Guys,