some of you may remember the diorama project I started but never get around to complete.
Well after rescuing the badly assembled MG Zaku I that my fiend's young
son was throwing out I thought what if I rebuild it as
construction/repair MS - aka Zakulabor - and put in the scene with the
battle damaged MG Zaku II from the previous project. Besides this will
take my mind off from my Ver. Ka+OYW project. (I had a few issues with
that and till I come up with the easy solution it's been put into back
burner like my other half dozen on-going projects.)
Still at very early stage and as I don't take photo of each and every
steps pictures may/will jump around. You may see bare parts and next
it's all completed and painted and etc. ^ ^
Anyhow here are few pictures I took while I was fiddling with them. I'm
trying few things with this project - doing C-type mod. and making Zaku
and Zaku II helmet removable to make painting easier, modifying exposed
Zaku II leg frame more in line with MG manual mechanical drawing,
scratch building various house hold items for the 1/87 scale house kit
from the junk box, full metal frame painting, full scratch shovel &
nail gun for Zakulabor ^ ^ and etc...
people living in glass colonies shouldn't throw nuclear stones.