Way too cool bro!
I'll send you the Arubesh alphabet offline, you will need it anyway down the line ;-)
I think I will run two LED's into my cockpit up the sidewalls and have them about where you can make out the two long red stripes, kind of shining back from the windscreen / vacuumscreen to the pilot. I can run the wires down the sphere and into a brass tube to run to a power supply/ base.
Since we are not likely to see a set of PE outside of new Finemold releases there are two possibilities:
1 Generic panel sets like the WWII radio face sets from True Detials. Cheap and easy to get, I use them to fill space in mecha models and such.
2 Generic positive and negative molds (thier term) for Gundams / mecha, I have a set of these in PE and they would again be good space filler and create some of the ocmplex shapes inside the cockpit.
In the automotive world there are a ton of PE sets that can be adapted. I ahve some leftover set here that has all sorts of shapes and brackets on it, I will use a lot of this on my interior to dress it up. Funny, I have the big Kenner toy hanging over my comptuer and its interior is NOTHING like thekit!
Build to please yourself, and don't worry about what others think!
TI 4019 Jolly Roger Squadron, 501st Legion