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Zvezda Black Swan 1/72

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  • Member since
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Posted by Grymm on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:40 PM

The Gammoning looks great.  And I can totally agree with you about frayed lines.  What I do is soak the end of the line in CA.  Makes the end of the line real stiff.

  • Member since
    March 2012
  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 10:02 PM

Thanks, guys!  Grymm, I tried using some CA to stiffen up the end of the line, but it's pretty thick stuff, and once hardened, it didn't want to fit through the delicately molded base-piece (don't know what it's called!), and it seemed like it was going to break the part if I kept forcing it I cut off the glued end of the line and used a needle-threading tool (another super-important rigging, tool , Paul, and also can get a pack of 2 or 3 for a couple bucks!)....the line still frayed a little, but it went way better than it could have gone.

I got the rest of the beakhead railing on today after work, easy-peasy.

Next (only because the instructions say so!) is the longboat....should be a fun diversion...the little boat has 21 parts of it's own, so it's kind of a little mini-kit in itself!

But I keep looking ahead to the gunport doors, and I don't like them!  That step is going to get ugly, I just know it....I gotta figure out my plan for that!

     _~ )_)_~

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  • Member since
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  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Friday, June 29, 2012 1:58 PM

Something's been nagging at me for a little while now....the kit has no bell behind the Wheel....just a little gazebo (don't know what it's called!) where the bell should be....seems like a kit that has gun rigging should be detailed enough to come with a bell....without it, the *gazebo/kiosk* just looks empty....I might have to look around for a small bell to mount in there....otherwiswe, I'm afraid it will bug me forever!

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Current Project:  Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2

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  • Member since
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Posted by Grymm on Friday, June 29, 2012 9:25 PM

This is an interesting little tidbit from the movies.  In the first Pirate's Movie, the Belfry (as it is called) looked exactly like the model.  It's a 4 post Belfry.  It most resembles the Belfry on the HMS Victory.  During shooting of the first movie, it was discovered that there was very little manouvering room for cameras and equipment around the wheel and belfry.  So, in the remaining movies the Belfry was changed to a 2-post Belfry.  But you are right.  The Belfry needs a bell.  I scratch-built one for my Black Pearl.  I also cut the Belfry down to a two post to make it faithful to the BP as she currently is. I made the bell from Milliput, cutting and filing until it was the right size.  You may be able to take some plastic sprue and carve one end into a small bell.  

Sorry the CA trick didn't work for you.  I have 3 different thicknesses of CA and I use the thinnest CA so that it will soak into the fibers and not make the thread too large.  You may try wiping some of the CA off, which will also force it into the fibers.  

And the Tac Glue I use is literally called Tac Glue.  It can be found in the craft section in WalMart, as well as any Micheal's Hobby or Hobby Lobby.  It's a bronze container with a white top.  It's really good for setting knots and whatnot.

I'm looking forward to some more pics of your build.  Really good stuff...


  • Member since
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  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Sunday, July 1, 2012 12:28 AM

Ah!  Belfry!  I do have some Milliput I've used for some resin figure repairs...I think I'll try making a bell, and see how things *shape up*....I love a good pun!

I meant to say that the LINE was too thick for the grating in the beakhead, not that the glue was too thick...I use the Super Thin CA glue, and it definitely works well for stiffening line ends, but the line used for the gammoning is heavy gauge, and it needs to be able to be compressed a little to stuff it through that gap...especially for the last couple of turns, when there's very little room left.

I'll pick up some Tac Glue, too...sounds like it could be handy...

I didn't realize you had done a Pearl build, Phil....was it a Zvezda kit, or something else?

Hoping to get some work done on it tomorrow evening...Been a busy weekend so far.


     _~ )_)_~

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  • Member since
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Posted by 2whl on Sunday, July 1, 2012 6:55 AM

I went to an IPMS contest yesterday and found this model listed as a 16th century boat.   It will look familiar to David because it's the boat that's included in the Swan.

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

  • Member since
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  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Sunday, July 1, 2012 10:06 AM

Ha!  That's funny!  It's definitely the boat kit from the swan...looks amazing!

Man, you have IPMS contests, Model Ship clubs....there's no *model ship culture* around here.

Thanks fot the pic!

     _~ )_)_~

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  • Member since
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Posted by Grymm on Sunday, July 1, 2012 4:00 PM

The Black Pearl I built is the Zvezda kit which the Black Swan comes from.   Since mine was meant to be close to the actual movie ship I made a host of modifications and scratchbuilds which included discarding the bulkhead to the Capts quarters and making one that matched the actual ships door and windows, along with the correct stairs.  Here's a couple of pics.  Once I retake the pics I'll be posting in the gallery.  Otherwise you can see some more pics at Pete Coleman's HMS Victory model website.


  • Member since
    February 2006
Posted by Grymm on Sunday, July 1, 2012 4:04 PM

Well, that didn't work.  Let me try that again with pics right here instead of links.

Hopefully that works...


  • Member since
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Posted by Grymm on Sunday, July 1, 2012 4:05 PM

  • Member since
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Posted by Grymm on Sunday, July 1, 2012 4:15 PM

Sheesh....finally.  Hope you like the pics.  Me and computers just don't mix...


  • Member since
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  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Sunday, July 1, 2012 5:33 PM

Dang!  Impressive!  You know, I've seen pics of that build, but I don't know if it was on here, or somewhere else on the web....good stuff!  Couple of questions...where did you get the figures?  Did you rig the shrouds and ratlines with line instead of using the molded parts? Got any tips for that?  :)  

Again, the finish is terrific...I can't get over the texturing and weathered look....

Yeah, I noticed since the forum update, posting pics is a little trickier....I have to copy the URL and then switch to *rich formatting* then select *edit HTML source* and THEN I can paste the URL into the dialog box and get the pics in....took me a bit to figure that out...


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Current Project:  Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2

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  • Member since
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  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Sunday, July 1, 2012 8:26 PM


I also noticed you used the injection-molded sails....somewhat of a hot-button topic!  I'm planning to use mine, too, even though I'm a little you have any tips for using them, especially in terms of the order of running rigging?  I'm worried that I won't be able to access the masts and pinrails, etc., once the big ol' sails are on...did you do much *pre-sail* rigging assembly, such as rigging the masts OFF the ship, or before the sails went on?  I would very much appreciate any insight on your experience with this kit!



     _~ )_)_~

Current Project:  Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2

Recently Finished: Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark

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  • Member since
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Posted by Grymm on Sunday, July 1, 2012 10:24 PM

I did a build log of her on Pete Coleman's HMS Victory website, which now hosts build logs and info on virtually all ships.  I had also put some completed build pics on Model Ship World and I think someone's blog used the pics.  I was actually flattered.  I never thought of myself as anything but a tried and true amateur.

Yes, I did get rig the shrouds and ratlines myself.  The kit parts, while being the best I've seen, were just not "right" for me, so I rigged my own.  Not too difficult to do really.  I used the deadeye setups from the kit (didn't want to spend too much extra money) and then just found ways to make it all work.  It actually came out quite nice.  The shrouds were from a thick line I made myself on a simple ropewalk while the ratlines are thread tied (and it took for-ev-er) to each shroud.  If I had any tips it would be to totally chuck the deadeyes and buy wooden ones.  It will make life so much easier.  Then you can use wire to make the hoops for holding the bottom deadeyes in place.  Rigging your own deadeyes/shrouds/ratlines is tedious but the amount of satisfaction you will get when finished will make it all worth it.

The pirate figures came from Ebay.  Overall I was not impressed by them but I had nothing else to use, so I made the best of it.  This is where the scale issue comes in.  Comparing pics from the movie you can clearly see the figures are too big, which means the ship is NOT 1/72, but closer to 1/96 (I'm estimating around 1/90).  BUT, when you look at pictures of the helm, the wheel is properly sized to the figures.  AND when you look at other pics, at 1/72 the figures look right when next to the cannon, but not at the bow.  So does this mean the ship is more than one scale?  The answer is a very strange yes AND no.  It's a movie-thing again.   When shooting the movie, the ship was supposed to be larger than a normal ship of its type.  Even next to a British First Rate, like the one in the movie, the Black Pearl looks big.  So when you look at camera shots of the actual ship, they are the equivelant of 1/72.  BUT when you see camera shots shot on sets or mock ups, they needed to make the ship look big for a sense of size, so they are the equivalent of 1/90-ish.  

I know, it's strange, but it's the best explanation I could come up with for the wonky size issues around the ship.  I tried 1/96 figures but it made the cannon look huge as well as making the ship's wheel about 10 feet tall.  I tried some figs that were a little larger but had the same issue. So I just went with the 1/72.  It works and my daughter loves the Jack Sparrow I put at the top of the foremast.  The Black Swan shares these scale issues, but since you don't have a movie to compare them to you can easily get away with 1/72 figures.  But aside from the figures I got from Ebay (I can't think of the name of them right now), I could not find any figures that I could uses that wouldn't have required a lot of modification.

All together my build was 9 months long.  But remember that I am "sort of" retired right now due to a major complication from a shoulder surgery, as well as from my existing back/leg issues, so I was able to devote 3-5 hours every day.  

Ah, the sails.  When I first recieved the model and saw the yards and sails were one molded piece I had to close the box for a few minutes.  My original intention was to chuck the sails and use paper to make my own.  I use the real thin paper that is used to wrap around shirts.  You know, when you get a shirt in a box for Xmas and it's wrapped in that large tissue-like paper.  It's perfect for sails....anyway, I was going to be making my own, but that went out the window.  I was under a self imposed time constraint (it was a very late Xmas gift for my daughter) and having to get the wood, make the get the picture.  So I decided to take the chance and go with the kit parts.

It is a challenge to use the kit sails.  Painting was not an issue.  I painted a base, then masked off the various patches, painted them, then did another layer of patches.  I repeated this for a total of 4 layers of patches.  Then I airbrushed a light mist of grey to sort of blend the patches to the sail, so they didn't stand out too much.  This was followed by a heavy, dark wash and a drybrush.  For the yard it was a simple paint, making sure to paint the molded ropes.  Then just wash and a light drybrush on the yard and a separate one on the ropes.  I ended up liking my decision to go with the kit sails.  They paint up and weather nicely, save a LOT of time, and look impressive, especially if you're making a diorama.

Rigging is another animal entirely.  You are correct.   Rigging around the sails is extremely difficult.  Not only are you trying to keep the sails level, you also have to watch your tensions so as not to bend the masts forward.  What you can't see in my build is the Mizzen is leaning slightly forward.  I just couldn't get it right.  

Tips?  Well, here's some suggestions;

-set up all of the standing rigging first.  This will allow you to get the masts under a little tension.  Watch out though.  If you over tighten running rigging, especially the topgallants, it could loosen up some of the standing lines.

-Whenever possible PRE-RIG!  Have all your blocks on your yards and have all of them on your masts before setting the yard to the mast.  It will save some of the pain...

-After some of the headaches I had and after you rig your standing rigging, I would rig the mainmast first, then the fore and finally the mizzen.  I would also rig from the bottom up.  But realize that no matter what you're going to have some headaches.  Two sets of forceps or tweezers is a must.

-Cover your cannons.  The lower deck cannons are real easy to snap while rigging.  I would use cardboard or something to fold/make a "cover" that can be taped over all the guns at once.  This will keep a very hard-to-fix accident from happening.

-When you mount the sails, you will need to make sure you pull the bottom of the sails forward a little so it looks like the sails are full of wind.

-The Black Pearl had black-ish sails so I'm not sure of any real good tips for the white sails of the Black Swan.  I will have to say that please don't make them just white.  I would get at least a real light tan or yellow/tan mix on them to tone down the white a little.  Just do something to tone them down and add some texture to them.  The sails should blend with the overall tone of the ship, not stand out or glow in the dark.  Done well, the sails become a conversation point.  They should draw the eye with details.

-The Black Swan is a pirate ship.  Don't be afraid to divert from the instructions when it comes to rigging.  Some of the standing rigging is a little strange in how the line runs.  My approach was "if it seems easier to do it another way, then of course a pirate wants to do it the easiest way, right?"

And the same goes with the ship itself.  This is a pirate ship.  There is no "standard" for the ship.  Make the build your own.  That's what makes it "fun", right?

-BE PATIENT!  There were some sessions where I rigged only one line in 5 hours.   For the price you paid for the kit, you want it to look sharp.  Take your time and it will.  If you make a mistake, don't worry.  Just pull the line and start over.  If you get frustrated, take a 20 minute break and walk away from the work bench.

Well, there you go.  I hope my ramblings are actually helpful.  But, looking at the marvelous job you're doing on the Swan, you don't need much help.  You've got everything well under control.  I had thought about getting another Black Pearl and building her as she looked BEFORE she was burned and sunk by Lord Beckett (that's part of the back story of the Sparrow/Beckett relationship before the events of PotC).  She was a beautiful ship.  Your build is really making me want to get that build going.

Great work.  I am eager to see more build-pics.


  • Member since
    March 2012
  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Tuesday, July 3, 2012 8:56 AM

Thanks for the info!  Now I remember reading about your build on the Coleman Victory site....

I don't know what to do about the Shrouds and ratlines.....I rigged only the shrouds on my Wasa (1/150 scale, so I figured I could get away with not doing the ratlines), and that wasn't hard to do.....but I understand that it's the ratlines that take the, I don't know if my confidence in knots is where it should be....I'm going to be thinking about it until I reach that're right, though....I don't want to spend my time (and $$) on a kit and then regret not doing my best to make it look good....I know rigged ratlines look much, MUCH better, so we'll see if I'm up to it...

My sails are airbrushed flat white, with a lot of tan mottling and overspray to make them look dingy...I'm going to mask off the yards later to paint them, and at that time, I'll re-consider the main color and see if I think they need to be darker...I know what you mean about having them *glow in the dark*!...BTW, for being inj molded, they really are thin and clean...

Once I reach the point where the deck/hull is more or less done, and I start in on the mast assembly, that's when I'll have to start experimenting with dramatic departure from the instruction sheet sequencing, and deciding how to approach rigging and such... that will include deciding whether to make my own ratlines (in which case I guess I'll need to find some wooden deadeyes and learn to tie them!  Where do I find them, and how much do they cost?), and plan ahead for pre-rigging...

BTW, I am a little worried about breaking off lower deck cannons...I broke one loose early on, and was luckily able to re-set it with a elmers and a toothpick...I set my ships up in a jig/stand made out of a shoebox while I build them, instead of the supplied stand....that way, it keep everything at the height I want it at, plus the box creates a bit of perimeter protection from bumps and stuff....PLUS, it acts as a catch basin for any parts that get dropped...instead of bouncing off my desk and onto the floor (DOOM!) to be lost, they fall into the box and I can fish them out with tweezers....nonetheless, once rigging begins, I know too well how the loops that get drawn up while running line tend to snag on a gun barrel and pull it free...I was super lucky to even get ahold of my last loose cannon, so I need to be EXTRA-careful to not do it again....if I end up with a cannon bouncing around in my hull, I'm hosed...I like the idea of making some kind of skirt, or something to hang over the ship while i work....gotta get my imagination going on the best way to make something that will work....

Just detailed the little boat last night, and washed it...tonight I'll get it assembled, and then it's on to the Neptune figures and such, then (gulp) gunport doors....I'm actually getting close to masts and shrouds, so I better make my decision on how to do this!!!

Look for some longboat pics soon...


     _~ )_)_~

Current Project:  Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2

Recently Finished: Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark

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  • Member since
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  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 1:18 PM

Here's a couple of pics of the little boat...I left the mast and a couple of other parts out, because I thought it looked a bit crowded...I might still do a little more touch-up or a heavier wash, but I think it's pretty much finished...








     _~ )_)_~

Current Project:  Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2

Recently Finished: Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark

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  • Member since
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  • From: Kidderminster, U.K.
Posted by Jockster on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 1:29 PM

David, as always, it is a joy following your build and David, all I can say is WOW! Oh and what is HTML and URL? I'm another that just doesn't 'get' computamabobs!


On the bench-1/350 Zvezda Varyag, Trumpeter Slava class Varyag and Tamiya CVN65 Enterprise. 1/400 Academy Titanic and 1/96 DeAgostini Victory.



  • Member since
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  • From: Kidderminster, U.K.
Posted by Jockster on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 1:30 PM

Sorry, That shlould be WOW to Phil.

On the bench-1/350 Zvezda Varyag, Trumpeter Slava class Varyag and Tamiya CVN65 Enterprise. 1/400 Academy Titanic and 1/96 DeAgostini Victory.



  • Member since
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  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 1:56 PM


HTML is hypertext markup language, basically it's one of the common ways that a computer displays and formats text.

URL is Uniform resource locator, basically a webpage address.

I'm not using these terms in my posts to confuse anyone who may not know them, but in fact they are selections I have to choose while uploading pics from Flickr (where I save my pics, some people use Photobucket or similar) to this site.  Since the administrators made a forum update last week, I found that I have to go through an extra step to get my pics uploaded onto the posts....At least on my computer.

I used to be able to select one of my pics on Flickr, click share, copy the URL (the code that pops up) then just come here, hit reply to post, and  paste the URL into the dialog box.  Now, when I hit reply here, I have click Use Rich Formatting (down beside the post reply button) to access the *options* toolbar...then I have to select Edit HTML Source from that toolbar, which opens ANOTHER dialog box, then I can paste the URL, hit update, then it finally posts the pic...took me some experimenting to figure it out!  There might even be some easier way that I don't know about!

I'm glad you're enjoying the build log, Jockster!  I sometimes wonder if I'm over-doing it with all the posts I make!  Truth is, I'm thrilled to be learning so much and I totally admire all the people who make such great ship models!  I'm pretty new to this...

I agree with you about Grymm's Pearl....that thing is mindblowing!  I totally bookmarked his build log over at the Pete Coleman Victory forum and studied his pics (especially for the longboat I just finished!) to make comaprisons and get ideas for my kit....I won't be making all the mdifications he did, and my ship isn't meant to look like the Pearl, but the structural similarities, and many of the techniques are similar...Phil's use of 4-layer wash and texture is incredible...not to mention his scratchbuilding of major parts!  If you haven't seen his build threads over there, you should check it out!  He's inspired me to consider some more advanced techniques, specifically the rigging of my own ratlines...we'll see, though..I need to learn a lot about how to do it right!  I'd hate it if I tried to do something awesome, and damaged my kit in the process  :(

Anyways...Thanks again!  Hope everyone has a nice 4th of July!!


     _~ )_)_~

Current Project:  Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2

Recently Finished: Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark

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  • Member since
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  • From: Kidderminster, U.K.
Posted by Jockster on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 2:22 PM

Thanks David, all this stuff with computers gets me confused, I was hoping in the beginning to just get the pictures from my computer and post them, I will need to look into these flickr and photobucket sites and send them my pics! Can't really celebrate the 4th of July bit though coz I'm a Limey. Oh go on then, happy 4th, As a Scotsman I understand wanting to be free of the 'Auld enemy'! I will check out Phil's build thread later!



On the bench-1/350 Zvezda Varyag, Trumpeter Slava class Varyag and Tamiya CVN65 Enterprise. 1/400 Academy Titanic and 1/96 DeAgostini Victory.



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  • From: Kidderminster, U.K.
Posted by Jockster on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 2:30 PM

Paul, I'm so pleased to hear that your second time at the club went much better, as modellers we should be nurturing each other, I love seeing the result of someones first ever model just as much as seeing the professional builds of years of experience. EVERY model means something to someone!


On the bench-1/350 Zvezda Varyag, Trumpeter Slava class Varyag and Tamiya CVN65 Enterprise. 1/400 Academy Titanic and 1/96 DeAgostini Victory.



  • Member since
    February 2006
Posted by Grymm on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 11:43 PM

That ship's launch looks great.  And I think you should put the mast in.  Just me I guess.  The overall picture looks somehow incomplete when you have just the yard/sail but no mast.

As for the lower deck cannons, why not get a long piece of plastic (like the stiff, clear plastic used for packaging.  You know, it's the packaging you have to fight with for an hour just to get it open usually ending with a serrated knife cutting the darn thing open.  The plastic is nice and stiff.  Just cut a long piece or several smaller pieces.  Then fold it into a "V" shape, maybe with a lip at either side.  Then just tape it over the guns.  

Might work.  Heck, I wish I had done it on my Black Pearl.  


  • Member since
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  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Thursday, July 5, 2012 8:14 PM

Yeah, I went ahead and threw the mast in with a dollop of Elmer's...looks fine.  

I also got the Swan figurehead on, and the last ladders and the Neptune figures...I'm on the dreaded *step 36* and next is the gunport doors...hey Grymm, did you notice any difference in the gundoor parts??  they're all numbered separately, but if they're the same, I won't worry about keeping them in order...they seem to be identical.

Need to get the hinges painted, and get them all oil washed...then I have to decide whether to use rigging line to attach them to the infamous *support pegs*...seems like it will turn into an exercise in frustration and disaster!  Especially since the pegs are so tiny, and not strongly attached, I expect they will snap off as soon as any tension is applied...

My next update should be interesting!

     _~ )_)_~

Current Project:  Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2

Recently Finished: Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark

Next Up:  ???


  • Member since
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Posted by Grymm on Thursday, July 5, 2012 8:28 PM

STOP!!!!!!  I almost made that mistake.  The doors are all unique.  Follow the instructions to the letter at this point.  Each number goes to a specific place on the boat.  If you don't, then it will be a nightmare figuring out which door goes where.

I ended up not using the pegs and just drilling a hole in the hull above the door, running the line like a "normal" period ship.  Hopefully you'll have better luck with the pegs than I did.  And yes, they will snap off very easily...


  • Member since
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  • From: Kidderminster, U.K.
Posted by Jockster on Friday, July 6, 2012 8:05 PM

David, tried uploading my first pic onto my Slava class post. I think it would be easier if I just drew a picture and taped it to the screen! I'll figure it out eventually but I'm closer thanks to your info. Ta Muchly,


On the bench-1/350 Zvezda Varyag, Trumpeter Slava class Varyag and Tamiya CVN65 Enterprise. 1/400 Academy Titanic and 1/96 DeAgostini Victory.



  • Member since
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  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Saturday, July 7, 2012 2:26 PM

Thanks for the warning, Phil!  I'm glad I asked before I de-sprued them!  I'll be careful to keep them in order  :)

But, I'm at that point, and all I keep doing is staring at the parts, and at the ship, and at the instructions, running over it in my mind trying to come up with a suitable solution....the support pegs are super-delicate, and some of them are totally obscured by the chainplates, so that I can't even get a line around them in the first place...

I'm trying to think of an alternative way to rig the doors on, but I'm losing hope....I may just do without the rigging and glue the doors in position...


Well, I'm off to see the Steve Miller Band tonight...maybe some good live music and a couple of drinks will grant me some inspiration!!!

     _~ )_)_~

Current Project:  Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2

Recently Finished: Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark

Next Up:  ???


  • Member since
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Posted by Grymm on Saturday, July 7, 2012 10:58 PM

Wow.  SMB.  It has been 30 years since I've seen them.  I'm envious.  Anyway, I wouldn't just glue them in place.  What you could do is what I did.  Rig the doors as per the instructions, leaving about 2" of excess thread on each., but instead of the support peg, drill a small hole through the hull above each door.  You may be able to use the mounting hole for the support peg as a guide.  Then use the CA trick on the ends of the threads in order to stiffen them up enough so they'll go through the holes.  It will look traditional, and add nice detail.

Just a thought.


  • Member since
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  • From: Kidderminster, U.K.
Posted by Jockster on Monday, July 9, 2012 12:26 PM

Likewise on SMB, didn't think they were still going.

On the bench-1/350 Zvezda Varyag, Trumpeter Slava class Varyag and Tamiya CVN65 Enterprise. 1/400 Academy Titanic and 1/96 DeAgostini Victory.



  • Member since
    March 2012
  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Monday, July 9, 2012 12:39 PM

Yeah, it was a great show...outdoors at a local Winery amphitheater...good times.  And they sounded great!

Phil, I agree.  I think my best bet is to remove those pesky *support pegs*, pine vise the holes out, and just run the line into the hull.  I'll just touch up and wash the doors, rig the line up on each of them, and glue them in place.  Then, I can simply poke the thread in to the hull...should be manageable, and I think it'll look okay.

Probably try a practice run tonight...

     _~ )_)_~

Current Project:  Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2

Recently Finished: Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark

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  • Member since
    March 2012
  • From: Marysville, WA
Posted by David_K on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:42 AM

Okay, so I removed the *support pegs*, drilled out the holes, and got the doors de-sprued... I got a 24-compartment parts organizer, and numbered the compartments so I can keep the doors in correct order to avoid difficulties later!  Still have some detailing to do on the doors, then I'll start working on line tying...I feel SO much better now that those pegs are off...I couldn't see any good way to use them.  :)

     _~ )_)_~

Current Project:  Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2

Recently Finished: Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark

Next Up:  ???



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