- Member since
January 2006
- From: istanbul/Turkey
Not exactly ship modelling but still a maritime topic
Greetings, I hope I am not violating the forum rules with this message. Some members of our community (like Professor Tilley) who know me for more than three years may remember that I was struggling to finish my master's degree dissertation about naval history. I am happy to tell that I finally succeeded after a really hard three years beset by medical and methodological problems. Nevertheless, in large part thanks to my thesis advisor, I managed to organize the topic into a more or less coherent 200 page text complete with tables, pictures and charts. The title is "Iron Ships and Iron Men: Naval Modernization in the Ottoman Empire, Russia, China and Japan 1830-1905". So far, there were a fair number of good monographical studies of both these empires' navies during the great adventure of Industrial Revolution; but as far as I could track, there wasn't an analysis from a comparative perspective. I tried to open a little window in that direction as much as my intellectual capacity did allow me. My text is currently in my university's editorial service for technical purification. After that it will be officially received on September 15. As soon as it gets received, I'll put the pdf. text into the public (internet) space to be downloaded freely (I wrote in English). I hope it shall be helpful for somebody at sometime.
Don't surrender the ship !