Now :
Here's some meat for scratch - built , kit bashing ! This thing shocked me when I opened it . Definitely NOT the Aurora " Atlantis " !
Okay , what now , $ 18.00 Bucks for what ? How about this ? An old crew owned, Tramp of the type that sailed every ocean after WW-1 and into WW-2 that looked like it would sink any moment and Never got over 10 knots - if that . And starred in movies with the likes of " BOGEY " or Kurt Jurgens !
These types were the ones that got convoys into trouble .They always sailed as fast as the SLOWEST ship . Can you imagine the frustration of captains of ships that could go up to 10 or 15 at being held back when U-Boots were out there ?
I believe that I will still (like my Bobtail Cruiser ) get my money's worth by going that way .( the " Bobtail , ( four of them ) have been practice grounds for ship related detailing or bashing .) To this day .Can you imagine a bobtail with the Revell Long Beach type bow ( enlarged of course ) ? Well there you have it .. Tanker-Builder